disapprovinguk/ˈtəʊ.di.ɪŋ/us/ˈtoʊ.di.ɪŋ/a lot ofpraiseandartificiallypleasantbehaviourtowards someone inauthority, in aneffortto get someadvantage:
拍马,奉承,谄媚Shewelcomedthem withenthusiasmthatborderedon toadying.她以近乎谄媚的热情欢迎他们。
- Hesawthrough all the toadying, ofcourse.
- Somesawthedecisionasshamelesspoliticaltoadying to agreaterpower.
- Anunpleasantregimeofbullyingand toadyingacrossWhitehallemerged.
Praising insincerely or too eagerly
- backhanded compliment
- bootlicker
- bow and scrapeidiom
- crawler
- creep
- fawn
- flummery
- glad-handing
- grovel
- hagiographic
- idealization
- massagesomeone'segoidiom
- obsequious
- people pleaser
- play up tosomeone
- schmooze
- slobber
- sycophantic
- toady
- unctuous
disapprovinguk/ˈtəʊ.di.ɪŋ/us/ˈtoʊ.di.ɪŋ/fullofpraiseorartificiallypleasantto someone inauthority, in aneffortto get someadvantage:
溜须拍马的,奉承谄媚的Heoffereda toadyingtributeto hisleader.他向领导者献上谄媚的赞美之词。
- Aprimeministercanbecomedetachedfrompoliticalrealities by a toadyingcabinet.
- They allgreetedhim in the same toadyingfashion.
- Thepressportrayedhim as no more than a toadyingerrandboy.
- Hisreactionwasjealousand toadying at the sametime.
Praising insincerely or too eagerly
- backhanded compliment
- bootlicker
- bow and scrapeidiom
- crawler
- creep
- fawn
- flummery
- glad-handing
- grovel
- hagiographic
- idealization
- massagesomeone'segoidiom
- obsequious
- people pleaser
- play up tosomeone
- schmooze
- slobber
- sycophantic
- toady
- unctuous