disapprovinguk/ˈtəʊ.di/us/ˈtoʊ.di/apersonwhopraisesand isartificiallypleasanttopeopleinauthority, usually inorderto get someadvantagefrom them:
谄媚者,马屁精Everywhere he goes he issurroundedby anentourageof toadies.
Shostakovich was oftenseenas apoliticaltoady to Stalin.
crawler(TRYING TO PLEASE)UKinformaldisapproving
- She had her toadies,minorofficialsin Governmentofficeswhoranabout putting through littlejobson herbehalf.
- Hebecomesaprisonerof what his toadiestellhim.
- Shecaricaturesthecowardlytoadies whoseviewschangedalong with thepoliticsof thetimes.
Praising insincerely or too eagerly
- backhanded compliment
- bootlicker
- bow and scrapeidiom
- crawler
- creep
- fawn
- flummery
- glad-handing
- grovel
- hagiographic
- idealization
- massagesomeone'segoidiom
- obsequious
- people pleaser
- play up tosomeone
- schmooze
- slobber
- sycophantic
- toadying
- unctuous
uk/ˈtəʊ.di/us/ˈtoʊ.di/topraiseand beartificiallypleasanttopeopleinauthority, usually inorderto get someadvantagefrom them:
She was always toadyingtotheboss.
Sheimaginedhim in hisgallery, toadying to hisrichclients.
crawl(TRY TO PLEASE)UKinformaldisapproving
- He wasunusedtopeoplenot toadying to him.
- They are allgrimlyobsequious, likeboystoadying toteachers.
- Hespenthisholidaytoadying up torichrelativeson Martha's Vineyard.
Praising insincerely or too eagerly
- backhanded compliment
- bootlicker
- bow and scrapeidiom
- crawler
- creep
- fawn
- flummery
- glad-handing
- grovel
- hagiographic
- idealization
- massagesomeone'segoidiom
- obsequious
- people pleaser
- play up tosomeone
- schmooze
- slobber
- sycophantic
- toadying
- unctuous