uk/ˈθred.ɪŋ/us/ˈθred.ɪŋ/threadingnoun[U](HAIR REMOVAL)
amethodofremovinghairfrom thefaceusing alongpieceofthread:
Threading, theremovalofunwantedfacialhair, has beenpracticedinpartsof Los Angeles fordecades.

Johnrob/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Threading is theprimarymethodofbrowgroominginSouthAsia.
- Threading is a lesstraumaticprocessthanwaxing, since it won'tpullon orburntheskin.
- Womenflockto thesalonto getfacials, and have Kaurshapetheirbrowsby "threading" -pullinghairsusingcottonthread.
Beauty treatments
- aesthetic
- aesthetician
- beautician
- beauty
- beauty salon
- electrolysis
- exfoliate
- exfoliation
- eye mask
- fake tan
- filler
- French manicure
- nail art
- rasul
- sauna
- self-tan
- self-tanning
- serum
- sunbathe
- sunbed
threadingnoun[U](OF MESSAGES)
theprocessofarrangingaseriesofemails,textmessages, orinternetpostsso thatconnectedmessagesdealingwith the samesubjectfolloweach other in agroup:
Onenotablefeatureof thesystemis theconversationthreading, whichgroupsemailsintoconversationsforeasierreading.
- Threading is wheremessagessentinreplyto atopicor othermessagescan be referenced back to theoriginal.
- Theprogramalso has anintegrateddiscussionareawithfullthreading.
- Theinterfacedoesconversationthreading,savedsearches, &lotsmore.
- There are someinterestingfeatures,includingthreading andexcellentsearchandfilteringcapabilities.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test
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Internet terminology