uk/ˈθræʃ.ɪŋ/us/ˈθræʃ.ɪŋ/thrashingnoun[C or U](HITTING)
anoccasionwhen someonehitsapersonoranimalhard manytimesas apunishment:
At thattimethe thrashing ofservantswaslegal.
He wasdiscoveredto havestolenthemoneyand given asoundthrashing.
Punishing by causing pain
- birch
- cane
- caning
- cat-o'-nine-tails
- corporal punishment
- flagellate
- horsewhip
- lynch
- lynch law
- lynching
- mortification
- paddle
- smack
- spanking
- tar and feathersomeoneidiom
- thumbscrew
- waterboard
- waterboarding
- whip
- whipping
thrashingnoun[C or U](DEFEAT)
anoccasionwhen someonedefeatssomeoneelseveryeasilyin agame,competition, orelection:
Theteamwas on thereceivingend of a six-goal thrashingrecently.
Therulingpartyisexpectinga thrashing in theelectionsto theupperhouseofparliamentthisweekend.
HisbestdisplayforEnglandwas in the thrashing of New Zealand inJune.
- Theteamwasluckytoavoida thrashing lastnight.
- Theserecentelectoralthrashingssufferedby thepartyhaveforcedit to do somedeepsoul-searching.
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- wipe
thrashingnoun[C or U](MOVEMENT)
theactofmovingfromsidetosidemanytimesin aviolentoruncontrolledway:
Sheswamawayfranticallytotrytoavoidthe thrashing of thecrocodile.
He waskickingout with hisfeet, and hiswholebodyshookinconvulsivethrashings.
- The thrashing of a dinosaur'stailcouldinflicta lot ofdamage.
- Ashortblaston the ship'ssirenwasfollowedby the thrashing ofitspropeller.
Shaking, swinging and vibrating
- brandish
- flap
- flourish
- fluffsomethingup
- jitter
- joggle
- pulse
- reverberate
- rocky
- shakiness
- shimmy
- stir
- stirsomethingup
- sweep
- teeter
- throbbing
- wag
- wobbler
- wobbly
- worry atsomething