uk/θɔːt/us/θɑːt/past simple and past participle ofthink
theactofthinkingabout orconsideringsomething, anideaoropinion, or a set ofideasabout aparticularsubject:
思考;考虑;思想Ask me againtomorrow. I'll have togiveit some thought.明天再问我吧,我还得考虑一下。
She doesn'tgiveany thoughttoherappearance.她根本不注意自己的仪表。
Let me haveyourthoughtsonthatreportbyFriday.星期五或之前告诉我你对那份报告的看法吧。
Spare athoughtfor(=thinkabout)all those withoutshelteron acoldnightlike this.想想那些在这样的寒夜无处栖身的人们。
He's theauthorof abookon thehistoryofEuropeanthought.他写过一本有关欧洲思想史的书。
Yousenther acard? That was akindthought.你给她送了贺卡?你想得很周到。
an idea
- ideaI've got an idea - why don't we ask John for help?
- planThe plan is to hire a car when we get there.
- thoughtHave you had any thoughts on presents for your mother?
- suggestionHave you got any suggestions for improvements?
- brainwaveUKI wasn't sure what to do and then I had brainwave - I could ask Anna for help.
- brainstormUSShe was stuck until she had a brainstorm and the solution came to her.
a suggestion
- suggestionMay I make a suggestion? Keep your receipts for tax reimbursement.
- proposalThe proposal for a new stadium has been rejected.
- propositionHe wrote to me with a very interesting business proposition.
- thoughtI've had a thought about what we might do this summer.
- ideaRebecca has a few ideas about how we could improve things.
- motionThere is a motion before the assembly to adjourn the meeting.
- The thoughtsuddenlyflashedthrough mymindthat she didn'twantto be here.
- To behonest, the thought ofjumpingout of amovingplanemakes myhairstandon end.
- My thoughtsflowmoreeasilyif Iworkon a wordprocessor.
- He took aminuteor two tocomposehis thoughts before hereplied.
- The thought ofkissinghim made me goweakat theknees.
Thinking and contemplating
- a brown studyidiom
- agonize
- agonize over/aboutsomething
- beard-stroking
- bethink
- consideration
- dip
- harbour
- in the cold light of dayidiom
- introspect
- introspection
- joined-up thinking
- lateral thinking
- reflection
- rumination
- run throughsomeone'smind/headidiom
- scratch
- scratchyourheadidiom
- self-contemplation
- self-reflection
gather/regather your thoughts
it's the thought that counts
that's a thought
the thought crossessomeone'smind
with no thought forsomething