uk/ˈθɪn.nəs/us/ˈθɪn.nəs/thinnessnoun[U](NOT FAT)
thequalityof having littlefleshon thebones:
(身体)瘦,不肥Theauthordiscusseswhyfemalebeautyhasbecomelinkedto thinness.作者讨论了为什么女性的美丽变得和瘦弱联系在一起。
- Atitsmostextreme, theobsessionwith thinness cancauseeatingdisorders.
- Theyhopefor atimewhen goodhealth, notextremethinness, is theidealamongvariouscultures.
- Hefeltthepainfulthinness of herupperarm.
- The thinness of hisfaceand thejuttingof hischeekbonessuggesthunger.
Animal physiology: thin or slender (of people)
- be skin and bone(s)idiom
- beanpole
- cadaverous
- ectomorph
- emaciation
- gaunt
- gauntness
- gracile
- hard-bodied
- hatchet-faced
- hollow
- hollow-cheeked
- lanky
- raw-boned
- scraggy
- skinny
- slenderize
- slight
- svelte
- trim
thinnessnoun[U](NOT WIDE)
thequalityof having asmalldistancebetween twooppositesides:
单薄The thinness of thewallsmeantyou couldheareverything.墙体单薄意味着你能听到所有的声响。
- Theslicesofrockarepolishedto a thinness of less than amillimetre.
- Theabnormalthinness of theeggshellswasevidentwhenornithologistscomparedthem with otherspecimens.
- Thecomparativethinness of theblademakes itquiteeasytocutintightcurves.
- They weresurprisedby the thinness of thepillowsintheirhotelroom.
- Thesmallnessof thehouseand thinness of thewallsbroughteverything socloseto her.
Small in number and quantity
- beggarly
- below
- bubkes
- certain
- could countsomethingon (the fingers of) one handidiom
- count
- mildness
- mingy
- minimal
- minimally
- modestly
- outside
- piffling
- remote
- scantly
- slenderness
- smallness
- speak
- strength
- suggestion
thinnessnoun[U](NOT MUCH)
thequalityof having only asmallnumberofpeopleor asmallamountof something:
稀薄;稀少The thinness of theaudiencedoesn't dojusticeto thequalityof the show.观众数少无法公正客观地评价表演的质量。
the thinness of hishair他发量稀少
- Theyunderlinedthe thinness ofsupportfor him amongreligiousandsocialconservatives.
- He also said thedossiershould have madeclearthe thinness of theevidenceon which theclaimwasbased.
Small in number and quantity
- beggarly
- below
- bubkes
- certain
- could countsomethingon (the fingers of) one handidiom
- count
- mildness
- mingy
- minimal
- minimally
- modestly
- outside
- piffling
- remote
- scantly
- slenderness
- smallness
- speak
- strength
- suggestion
thinnessnoun[U](POOR QUALITY)
thequalityof being of apoorstandardor not good enough to beeffective:
薄,单薄the thinness of the singer'svoice歌手的声音很单薄
- The play'scrucialfaultis the thinness of thosecharacters, whomostlycome off assentimentalclichés.
- On theballads, it was hard todisguisethe thinness of thevoice.
- The thinness of much of hisworkresultsfrom hisinexperience.
- How did heconvincehimself that,despitethe thinness of hisrésumé, he couldsomehowget thetopjob?
Not of good quality
- a miserable, poor, etc. excuse forsomethingidiom
- apology
- appallingly
- atrocious
- atrociously
- awfully
- awfulness
- badness
- downscale
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inadequately
- janky
- tacky
- tawdriness
- tawdry
- third-class
- third-rate
- unappetizing
- wretched
thinnessnoun[U](OF LIQUID)
thequalityofflowingeasilyorcontaininga lot ofwater:
稀The thinness of theliquidmade iteasytopour.液体是稀的,很容易倒。
- I wasdisappointedby the thinness of thesauce.
- Because of the paint's thinness, itraneverywhere.
thinnessnoun[U](OF AIR)
(ofair) thequalityofcontaininglessoxygenthanusual:
(气体)稀薄The thinness of theaircan make youfeelbreathless.稀薄的空气会让你感到喘不过气来。
- Thelackoffrictiondueto the thinness of theairwillmeanhe canattaina muchhigherterminalvelocity.