uk/ˈtɪp.ɪt/us/ˈtɪp.ɪt/asmallpieceoffurorclothwornover theshoulders:
(狐皮或貂皮制成的)女式披肩Sheworeasmallsabletippet whichreachedjust to hershoulders.她围着一条小貂皮披肩,刚好到肩膀。
- Fakefurtippets willaddinstantglamourto adressorsimplesuit.
- According to thefashioneditorials, thiswinterwe should all bewearingfurstoles, tippets orcapes.
- Onelookthat was verypopularwithcustomerswere thefurtippets -miniaturefurscarvestiedaround theneckwith aribbon.
- You couldwearajewelledboleroorsequinnedtippet.
Coats, jackets & cloaks
- achkan
- anorak
- Barbour
- barn coat
- baseball jacket
- dinner jacket
- DJ
- donkey jacket
- double-breasted
- doublet
- lumber jacket
- mac
- mackintosh
- mantle
- Nehru jacket
- shrug
- single-breasted
- slicker
- smoking jacket
- sports jacket