单词 | the jury is (still) out |
释义 | the jury is (still) outC2 If thejuryis (still) out on asubject,peopledo notyetknowtheansweror have notyetdecidedif it is good orbad: (答案或观点)尚不明确,悬而未决The jury's still outonthesafetyofirradiatedfood.人们对辐射处理过的食品是否安全尚不清楚。 Doubt & ambivalence
the jury is still out| American Dictionarythe jury is still outnodecisionoragreementhas been made about asituation,esp. because there is not enoughinformation: The jury is still out on whether the newhealthcaresystemwillwork. |
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