the internet of things
internet & telecomsspecializeduk/ˌɪn.tə.net əv ˈθɪŋz/us/ˌɪn.t̬ɚ.net əv ˈθɪŋz/objectswithcomputingdevicesin them that areabletoconnectto each other andexchangedatausing theinternet:
物联网Cloudapplicationswill be used bybillionsofdevicesof allkinds, allconnectedto theinternetof things.云应用将被数以十亿计的各类设备使用,所有设备都与物联网相连。
Theinternetof things might, forexample,involvesmartbinsthat cansignalwhen they need to beemptied.例如,物联网可能包括智能垃圾箱,可以在需要清空的时候发出信号。
Electrical switches & connections
- clicker
- coaxial
- corded
- dimmer
- dimmer switch
- junction box
- national grid
- outlet
- overload
- override
- patch
- plug
- plug(something)in/plug(something)intosomething
- plug-in
- powerbank
- push-button
- putsomethingon
- putsomethingout
- spark plug
- wire