used beforenounsto refer toparticularthings orpeoplethat have already beentalkedabout or are alreadyknownor that are in asituationwhere it isclearwhat ishappening:
(用于名词前,指听者或读者已知的事物或人,尤指已提到的或能被领会的事物或人)I justboughta newshirtand some newshoes. Theshirtwasprettyexpensive, but theshoesweren't.我刚买了一件新衬衫和几双新鞋。衬衫很贵,但鞋子不贵。
Please would youpassthesalt.请你把盐递给我。
I'llpickyou up at theairport.我会开车到机场接你。
used before somenounsthat refer toplacewhen youwanttomentionthattypeofplace, withoutshowingexactlywhichexampleof theplaceyoumean:
(用于某些名词前,表示泛指一类地方)Wespentalldayat thebeach.我们在海滩上呆了一整天。
Let's go to themoviesthisevening.我们今晚去看电影吧。
I have to go to thebankand get someEuros.我得去银行兑换些欧元。
used beforenounphrasesin which therangeofmeaningof thenounislimitedin some way:
(用在带有限制性定语的名词短语前)I reallyenjoyedthebookI've justfinishedreading.我真的很喜欢我刚读完的那本书。
Do you like the otherkidsinyourclass?你喜欢你们班的其他同学吗?
used to refer to things orpeoplewhen only oneexistsat any onetime:
(指独一无二的事物或人)What willhappenin thefuture?未来会发生什么事?
After Ileavecollege, Iwanttotravelaround theworld.大学毕业后,我想环游世界。
Theylivein thenorthof Spain.他们住在西班牙北部。
Ed Koch was for manyyearsthemayorof New York.埃德‧科克做了多年的纽约市长。
When we went toParis, we went up the Eiffel Tower.我们到巴黎时去了埃菲尔铁塔。
used beforesuperlativesand other words, such as "first" or "only" ornumbersshowingsomething'spositionin alist, to refer to only one thing orperson:
(用于形容词或副词最高级及表示排名的词前)That was one of thebestfilmsI'veeverseen.那是我看过的最好的电影之一。
What's thehighestmountaininAsia?亚洲最高的山是哪一座?
I will neverforgetthe firsttimewemet.我永远也忘不了我们第一次见面的情形。
You're the fifthpersontoaskme thatquestion.你是第5个问我那个问题的人。
used to say that theparticularpersonor thing beingmentionedis thebest, mostfamous, etc. In this use, "the" is usually givenstrongpronunciation:
(用于表示“最…的”,此时 the 应重读)Harry's Bar is theplaceto go.哈里酒吧是最值得一去的。
You don'tmeanyoumetthe Will Smith(= thefilmstar), do you?你不是说你见到了威尔‧史密斯本人吧?
used before someadjectivestoturntheadjectivesintonounsthat refer to oneparticularpersonor thingdescribedby theadjective:
(用在形容词前,指特定的人或事物)Itseemsthat thedeceased(= thisparticulardeadperson)had nolivingrelatives.看来死者没有健在的亲属。
Isupposewe'll just have towaitfor theinevitable(= theparticularthing that iscertaintohappen).看来我们只好坐等那不可避免的事情发生。
used before someadjectivestoturntheadjectivesintonounsthat refer topeopleor things ingeneralthat can bedescribedby theadjective:
(用在形容词前构成名词,泛指一类人或事物)Shelivesin aspecialhomefor theelderly.她住在养老院。
TheFrenchweredefeatedat Waterloo in 1815.1815年法军在滑铁卢被击败。
used before asingularnounto refer to all the things orpeoplerepresentedby thatnoun:
Thecarisresponsibleforcausinga lot ofdamagetoourenvironment.汽车对我们的环境造成了严重破坏。
used before afamilynameto refer to twopeoplewho aremarriedor to awholefamily:
(用在姓氏前表示某夫妇或一家人)The Jacksons are coming tovisitonSaturday.杰克逊一家周六要来看我们。
used before somenounsreferring tomusicalinstrumentsordancestomeanthetypeofinstrumentordanceingeneral:
(用在乐器或舞蹈的名称前表泛指)Nico islearningtoplaythepiano.尼科在学弹钢琴。
Can you do thewaltz?你会跳华尔兹吗?
used before anountorepresenttheactivityconnectedwith thatnoun:
(用在名词前表示与名词有关的活动)I'm going under theknife(= having amedicaloperation)nextweek.我下周要接受外科手术。
It's not a goodideatospendmore than threehoursat thewheel(=drivingavehicle)without abreak.连续驾车3个多小时不是个好主意。
used beforenumbersthat refer toperiodsof tenyears:
(用在逢10的数字前)the 60s60年代
used before each of twocomparativeadjectivesoradverbswhen youwantto show how oneamountgetsbiggerorsmallerinrelationto the other:
(用在两个形容词或副词比较级前,表示“越…越…”)ThesoonerI get thispieceofworkdone, thesoonerI can gohome.我越快完成这项工作,就能越早回家。
used beforecomparativeadjectivesoradverbswhen youwantto show that someone or something hasbecomemore or less of aparticularstate:
(用在形容词或副词比较级前,表示某人或事物的特定状态的变化)She doesn'tseemto be any theworseforherbadexperience.她看来丝毫没有因为悲惨的经历而沮丧。
used foremphasiswhen you areexpressingastrongopinionabout someone or something:
(用于强调所持看法)André's got a newjob, theluckydevil.安德烈有了新工作,这个幸运的家伙。
- Don'tsiton thatbag- you'llsquashthesandwiches.
- Idroppedhim at thelibraryand wentshopping.
- Shefollowedme into thekitchen.
- "How manychildrenare there in theschool?" "About three hundred."
- Thechildrenare alwayshungrywhen they gethomefromschool.
Extremely good
- admirable
- amazing
- amazingly
- ask forsomeone
- award-winning
- divine
- first-rate
- five-star
- gold-plated
- gourmet
- greatness
- high-class
- par excellence
- shining
- sock
- splendid
- splendidly
- stellar
- stupendously
- wonderfully
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Decades, centuries & the millennium
Expressing and asking opinions
usedinsteadof apossessiveadjectivesuch asyour, her, or my:
(用于代替 your,her,my 等词)Heheldhisdaughterby thearm(= herarm).他抓着女儿的胳膊。
I can'trememberwhere Iparkedthe(= my)car.我不记得把车停在哪儿了。
- She took me by thehandandledme into thecave.
- Shegrabbedthecatby thetail- which was aratherstupidthing to do!
- "Cheer up, " she said andchuckedthe littlegirlunder thechin.
- Theycrackedhim over theheadwith abaseballbat.
- Alwaysremembertobendat thekneeswhen you'repickingup anythingheavy.
Linguistics: possessive forms
- hers
- his
- its
- mine
- my
- our
- ours
- S, s
- their
- theirs
- thine
- thy
- us
- yer
- your
- yours
足够的I'd like to go outtonight, but I don'tthinkI have theenergy.我倒是想今晚出去玩,但又觉得自己没那个精力。
[+ to infinitive]I don't have thetimetotalkto you now.我现在没有时间和你谈话。
- I can't dofiddlyjobslike that - I don't have thepatience.
- She neverseemsto have thetimetositdown andtalkany more.
- I'dloveto do aparachutejump, but I can'tpluckup thecourage.
- If we canraisethemoney, I'd like to get thetreatmentdoneprivately.
- Hehardlyhad thestrengthtolifthisheadoff thepillow.
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- cover
- fill
- go
- go round
- good
- hold
- hold out
- respectable
- respectably
- say
- say whenidiom
- suffice
- suffice (it) to sayidiom
- sufficient
- sufficiently
- that
- that will doidiom
each; every:
每个It does 30milesto thegallon.这辆车每加仑汽油能跑30英里。
Linguistics: both, all, each & every
- A, a
- all
- all roundphrase
- any
- apiece
- both
- each
- either
- every
- every minuteidiom
- pan
- per
- pop
- strength
- throw
- to
- whole
A/an and the are articles. They are a type of determiner and they go before a noun.…A/anandthe:meaning
A/an and the are articles. They are a type of determiner and they go before a noun.…When do we useaand when do we usean?
In speaking, we use a /ə/ before a consonant sound:…How do we pronouncethe?
We pronounce the in two ways depending on whether the sound which comes after the is a vowel or a consonant:…When do we use articles?
…A/anandthe: typical errors
We don’t use the with plural nouns when we are referring to things in general:…The thing,the one thing,something
We can use the thing in front position plus a form of the verb be to bring attention to an item in the clause. It means the same as what plus be, but it is more informal (the focus in each sentence is underlined below):…