someone or something thatterminates(=ends)something:
ThearticledescribedYeltsin as a terminator of theSovietsystem.
Certain words andcharactersareinterpretedascommands, separators, orcommandterminators.
- Politically, heneedsamediatornot a terminator.
- Thesemicolonis used as astatementterminator.
- Terminatorsabsorbsignalsso that they don't getreflectedback into thenetworkandcausedatacorruption.
Causing something to end
- abandon
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- draw
- jacksomethingin
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- raise
- stanch
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
thelinethatseparatesthedarkpartof themoonor aplanetfrom thepartthat islitup:
As themoonrises, the terminator willfallacrossthecrater, and thefloorof thecraterwill be inshadow.
- The terminator is thedividinglinebetweendayandnight.
- Weendedoff theobservingsessionwith themoon, where wespentsometimealong the terminator.
- albedo
- Andromeda
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- full moon
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- observatory
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- stellar
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
See also
terminator gene