uk/ˈtæŋ.kə/us/ˈtæŋ.kə/pluraltankaorortankasashortJapanesepoemwith 31syllables:
短歌(有31个音节的日本短诗歌)Thepoemsshow theinfluenceofJapaneseformssuch as the tanka and thehaiku.这些诗歌体现了如短歌和俳句等日本诗歌形式的影响。
For me, this tankacentreson thecloserelationshipthat amothercan have with herson.在我看来,这首短歌的中心思想是母亲与儿子之间的亲密关系。
See also
- This tanka can bereadasaffirmingthepositiveacceptanceof nature’sgifts.
- He was ajournalist, tankapoet, andformereditorof O'ahu'sJapanesenewspaperNippu Jiji (laterThe Hawai'i Times).
- Haiku or hokkuliterallymeans"startingverse" because it wasoriginallythebeginningof anolderverseformcalled the tanka.
- Thepoems,mainlyin the 31-syllable, 5-line tankagenre, were written inChinesecharacters.
- action hero
- alliterative
- alternative history
- anapest
- anti-literary
- femslash
- fictionality
- fictive
- free verse
- genre fiction
- ode
- passion play
- pentameter
- poem
- poesy
- theatrics
- topos
- tragedy
- tragicomic
- trilogy