trademarkuk/ˈtef.lɒn/us/ˈtef.lɑːn/abrandnamefor atypeofplasticthat is verysmoothand does not havechemicalreactionswith othersubstances. It is used inindustryand as asurfaceforcookingpansso thatfooddoes notstickto thepan.
特氟隆(一种不易粘的涂料,常涂于炒锅的内层)Pots & pans
- anti-stick
- bakeware
- baking sheet
- broiler pan
- Bundt tin
- cauldron
- cookware
- deep fat fryer
- double boiler
- Dutch oven
- grill pan
- non-stick
- ovenproof
- ovenware
- pipkin
- skillet
- springform tin
- steamer
- tajine
- wok
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Plastics & rubber
adjective[before noun]
used todescribesomeone whomanagestoavoidcriticismandkeepa goodreputation,evenafter they have done somethingwrong:
扳不倒的(指某人虽犯错误或违法却保持声誉不受损)The TeflonPresidentsurvivedthecrisiswith hisreputationintact.扳不倒的总统(特指美国前总统罗纳德·里根)在危机中幸存下来,声誉完好。
- by reputationidiom
- cred
- credibility
- detoxify
- disreputable
- honourable
- honourably
- infamous
- infamy
- mud
- mud sticksidiom
- notorious
- notoriously
- rep
- reputable
- reputably
- reputation
- smoke
- standing
- there's no smoke without fireidiom