uk/tɔːk/us/tɑːk/talkverb[I](SAY WORDS)
to say wordsaloud; tospeakto someone:
讲话,谈话;谈论We were just talkingaboutGareth's newgirlfriend.我们刚才在谈论加雷斯的新女友。
My littlegirlhas juststartedto talk.我的小女儿刚开始说话。
She talkstohermotheron thephoneeveryweek.她每周都跟母亲通电话。
to talk to someone
- talkA group of men were talking in the street.
- speakCould I speak to you privately?
- sayI couldn't hear what they were saying.
- chatWe were just chatting about the party.
- have a chatWe had a little chat over the garden wall.
- chatterThey spent the morning chattering away.
to talk about something
- talk aboutI don't like talking about my feelings.
- speak aboutHe is often asked to speak about the decline of global energy supplies.
- discussWe need to discuss arrangements for next week.
- talk overI need to talk it over with my wife before I accept the job.
- talk throughWe're used to talking things through, so we don't have many arguments.
- debateThe bill will be debated in parliament next week.
- You're notallowedto talk during theexam.
- Theargumentwasupsettingfor us all - I don'twantto talk about it.
- Could I talk to you about apersonalmatter?
- He didn't talk about hisexamresultsincasepeoplethoughthe wasboasting.
- Shewavesherhandsaround a lot when she's talking.
Informal talking & conversation
- badinage
- banter
- bantering
- bants
- bloviate
- bull session
- buzz
- catch
- catch up withsomeone
- chinwag
- chit-chat
- discourse
- exchange
- heart-to-heart
- intercourse
- pass
- ultra-casual
- understand
- vox pop
- word-of-mouth
todiscusssomething with someone, often totrytofindasolutionto adisagreement:
(为了寻求解决分歧的途径而)与…会谈The twosideshaveagreedto talk.双方同意会谈。
talk business, politics, etc.
谈论正事/政治(等等)Whenever they're together, they talkpolitics.他们一到一起就谈论政治。
Debate & discussion
- agent provocateur
- bargainer
- bat
- bat around
- broker
- closure
- cloture
- consult
- dialogue
- discursive
- float
- parley
- polarized
- polemic
- polemical
- post-debate
- powwow
- provocateur
- re-explore
- sophistry
to give alectureon asubject:
(就某一主题)作报告The nextspeakerwill be talking aboutendangeredinsects.下一位讲者将就濒危昆虫作报告。
Lecturing & addressing
- ad lib
- co-present
- discourse
- eunoia
- extemporize
- floor
- harangue
- hold
- jawbone
- lead off
- lightning talk
- monologue
- onto
- PechaKucha
- presentation
- sermon
- sermonize
- speak
- speechify
- valediction
The verbs speak and talk both generally mean ‘say words’, but there are some small differences in how they are used. Speak is more formal than talk.…Speakandtalk: uses
The verbs speak and talk both generally mean ‘say words’, but there are some small differences in how they are used. Speak is more formal than talk.…Speakandtalkwith prepositions
We usually use to after speak and talk. In more formal situations, people sometimes use with:…Idioms
be like talking to a brick wall
givesomeonesomething to talk about
look who's talking!
talksomeone'shead off
talk a blue streak
talk about...
talk dirty
talk nonsense
talk sense
talk shop
talk some sense into sb
talk smack
talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey
talk the talk
talk the talk ... walk the walk
talk throughyourhat
talk tough
talk turkey
talk your way out ofsomething
talking ofsomeone/something
Phrasal verbs
talk aboutsomething/doingsomething
talk atsomeone
talk aroundsomething
talk back
talk down tosomeone
talksomeoneout ofsomething
aconversationbetween twopeople, often about aparticularsubject:
交谈Iaskedhim tohavea talkwithhismotherabouthisplan.我叫他跟他母亲谈谈他的计划。
aspeechgiven to agroupofpeopletoteachortellthem about aparticularsubject:
演讲;讲座Hegavea talkabout/onhisvisitto Malaysia.他就他的马来西亚之行办了一个讲座。
a talk
- talkShe will give a talk on keeping kids safe on the internet.
- lectureThe lecture is entitled "War and the Modern American Presidency".
- presentationWe were given a presentation of progress made to date.
- speechYou might have to make a speech when you accept the award.
- addressHe took the oath of office then delivered his inaugural address.
- orationIt was to become one of the most famous orations in American history.
seriousandformaldiscussionson animportantsubject, usuallyintendedtoproducedecisionsoragreements:
商谈;会谈Talks wereheldin Madridaboutthefuelcrisis.有关燃料危机的会谈在马德里召开。
theactionof talking about what mighthappenor betrue, or thesubjectpeopleare talking about:
闲谈;话题Talk won't get usanywhere.闲谈对我们毫无益处。
Thetalk/Her talk was all about thewedding.那次谈话/她所说的全都是关于婚礼的事。
- He gave a talk on therepresentationof women in 19th-centuryart.
- We need to have another talk about this - can wemeetlaterthisafternoon?
- Our talksoonveeredonto thesubjectoffootball.
- She wasnervousabout giving a talk to hercolleagues, but shecarriedit off very well.
- I had to have a talk to her about acomplaintthat was made about herwork.
Informal talking & conversation
- badinage
- banter
- bantering
- bants
- bloviate
- bull session
- buzz
- catch
- catch up withsomeone
- chinwag
- chit-chat
- discourse
- exchange
- heart-to-heart
- intercourse
- pass
- ultra-casual
- understand
- vox pop
- word-of-mouth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Lecturing & addressing
International relations: diplomacy & mediation
Debate & discussion
be all talk (and no action)
be the talk ofsomewhere
be the talk of the town