uk/ˈtiː.di.əs.nəs/us/ˈtiː.di.əs.nəs/thequalityof beingboring,especiallybecause ofcontinuingfor alongtime:
the tediousness of hisjob
the state of being unhappy and uninterested
- boredomThere's nothing to do at the cabin - I might die of boredom.
- tediumFilming a televison show involves a fair bit of waiting and tedium behind the scenes.
- tediousnessI can't imagine the tediousness of cataloguing every single piece of writing in the archive.
- wearinessShe listened to his complaining with a growing sense of weariness.
- ennuiHis latest book was about suburban ennui and the middle-aged desire for something new.
- drearinessShe wanted to go to the big city and escape the dreariness of her rural, small-town life.
- Federalofficialsattributethesecuritylapsestorapidturnoverofscreeners,causedby thelowpayand the tediousness of thejob.
- Heportraysa mandeterminedtoremaincompletelyliberatedfrom the tediousness ofreallifeand theconsequencesof hisextramaritalaffair.
- We madeourway back to theairportand the tediousness ofwaitingforourflight.
Boredom, tedium and boring things
- banality
- blandness
- boredom
- bromide
- cabin fever
- commonplace
- ennui
- flatness
- frustration
- insipidness
- jejune
- screed
- snooze
- snoozefest
- sterility
- stodginess
- stuffiness
- the same old thingidiom
- treadmill
- yawn