adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈsʌr.ə.ɡət/us/ˈsɝː.ə.ɡət/replacingsomeoneelseor usedinsteadof somethingelse:
替代的;代理的Because she had nochildrenof her own, her friend'ssonbecameakindof surrogatechildto her.因为她自己没有孩子,所以她就把朋友的儿子当成了自己的孩子。
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- represent
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
uk/ˈsʌr.ə.ɡət/us/ˈsɝː.ə.ɡət/something thatreplacesor is usedinsteadof somethingelse:
替代;代理For somepeople,readingtravelbooksis a surrogateforactualtravel.对某些人来说,读游记可以替代真正的旅行。
apersonwhoactsorspeaksinsupportof someoneelse, or does his or herjobfor acertaintime:
代理人,代班者,代言人Bothcandidatesin theelectionhaveturnedtocelebritysurrogates toexcitethecrowds.参选的两位候选人都求助于名人代言人来激发观众的热情。
(alsosurrogate mother)
a woman who has ababyfor anotherpersonwho isunabletobecomepregnantor have ababy:
代孕妈妈She hasagreedtoactas a surrogatemotherfor hersister.她已经同意为她姐姐代孕了。
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- represent
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Supporters, members & defenders
Obstetrics: pregnancy