Anextra50 super-safe bombproofvehicleshave beenordered.
These supersafeinvestmentswill make agreatadditiontoyourportfolio.
- Mysisteris a super-safedriver; she has never been in anaccident.
- They madesuretheirdaughterhad a super-safecarwith all of thestate-of-the-artsafetyfeatures.
- Theyclaimthis new, super-safeformoflaserliposuctioncanchangeyourbodyalmostinstantly.
- The newplaygroundisfilledwith supersafeplayequipment.
Safe and secure
- airworthiness
- airworthy
- as safe as housesidiom
- biosafety
- bite
- health and safety
- impregnable
- in safe handsidiom
- innocent
- innocuous
- safe
- safe space
- safeguard
- safely
- safeness
- seaworthy
- someone/somethingwon't biteidiom
- the coast is clearidiom
- well kept
- worthy