alargeshopwhichsellsmosttypesoffoodand othergoodsneededin thehome
超级市场,超市Erik Isakson/Blend Images/GettyImages
- Sheworkson thecheckoutat thelocalsupermarket.
- Despitelocalopposition, theplansfor the new supermarket have beenclearedby thecouncil.
- The new supermarket is really going toclobberthesmalllocalshops.
- The supermarketchainannouncedthat it wascuttingthecostof allitsfreshandfrozenmeat.
- Anumberofhousesweredemolishedso that the supermarket could bebuilt.
Shops & auctions
- army disposals store
- army surplus store
- army-navy store
- art gallery
- auction
- craft fair
- craft shop
- creamery
- deli
- delicatessen
- liquor store
- mall
- mart
- meat market
- medical hall
- store
- strip mall
- super-sale
- superstore
- swap meet