(alsosuperexpress)uk/ˌsuː.pər.ɪkˈspres/us/ˌsuː.pɚ.ɪkˈspres/movingor for doing somethingextremelyfast, or muchfasterthannormal:
Thecityis about anhourfrom Tokyo on the super-expresstrain.
You can use the super-expresscheckoutif you only have a fewitems.
- Thegovernmenthasfinancedthecreationof a super-expressbusservice.
- A super-expressbuscan getworkersto thefactoryinhalfanhour.
- The newtunnelon the superexpressraillinehas justopened.
- Weplantobuilda superexpressrailwaytoimprovetheservice.
Fast and rapid
- (at) full speed/tilt/peltidiom
- apace
- as fast asyourlegs would carryyouidiom
- as ifit isgoing out of styleidiom
- at a rate of knotsidiom
- fleet
- hypersonic
- in the twinkling of an eyeidiom
- Jack Robinson
- lickety-split
- lightning
- like a shotidiom
- prompt
- smartly
- souped-up
- spread like wildfireidiom
- streak
- superfast
- swift
- wildfire
(alsosuperexpress)uk/ˌsuː.pər.ɪkˈspres/us/ˌsuː.pɚ.ɪkˈspres/atrainorbusthattravelsmuchfasterthan othertrainsorbuses:
Werestedin thecomfortablecarriageof a super-expressheadingtowards thecapital.
The superexpress willrunregularlybetween the twocitiesin only twohours.
- Go to platformtrack one for the super-express toParis.
Railways: trains & parts of trains
- baggage car
- bogie
- boiler
- boxcar
- bullet train
- caboose
- carriage
- choo-choo
- coach
- diesel
- emergency cord
- footplate
- freight car
- guard's van
- maglev train
- puffer train
- rolling stock
- sleeping car
- truck
- wagon-lit