(alsosuper competitive,supercompetitive)uk/ˌsuː.pə.kəmˈpet.ɪ.tɪv/us/ˌsuː.pɚ.kəmˈpet̬.ə.t̬ɪv/involvinga lot ofcompetition, or morecompetitionthannormal:
Thesepeopleare lessabletoadaptto the super-competitiveatmospherein theoffice.
wantingvery much towinor be moresuccessfulthan otherpeople:
I have always beensupercompetitive.
Theindustryisfullof supercompetitiveyoungmen who put a lot ofenergyintotheirwork.
Super-competitiveprices,services, etc. are muchbetterthan otherprices,services, etc.:
Can theautomobileindustrykeepsetting super-competitiveprices?
The country'scurrencyisartificiallycheap, makingitsexportssupercompetitive.
- In today's super-competitivecollegemarket, not everyone can get ascholarship.
- Theoldsuper-competitiveeconomyis introuble.
- Thetennisseasonis going to besupercompetitivethisyear.
- I don'tseeyou as a supercompetitivekindofperson
- Mysisterdoesgymnastics, and issupercompetitiveat it.
- Thecompanyisofferingsome supercompetitivedealsthismonth.
Competing and contending (non-sporting)
- be one up onsomeoneidiom
- bid
- cat
- catchup
- chancer
- close-run
- competition
- contest
- dare
- go in forsomething
- go toe to toeidiom
- hyper-competitive
- in the gameidiom
- intercollegiate
- runsomeonecloseidiom
- runners and ridersidiom
- showing
- slugfest
- snap atsomeone'sheelsidiom
- toe
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Comparing and contrasting