(alsosub-scale)uk/ˈsʌb.skeɪl/us/ˈsʌb.skeɪl/a set ofnumbers,amounts, etc. within alargerset, used tomeasureorcomparethelevelof something:
This subscaleassessedhow muchadolescentsenjoyedtheirclasses.
Fivefactorswereidentifiedand eachcorrespondsto one sub-scale.
- This subscalemeasureshow muchindividualsfeelthattheircompanysupportsthem.
- This subscale wasexcludedfromfurtheranalysis.
- Each subscalecontains15itemsratedon a 4-pointscale.
- Items can beshownas atotalscoreor asindividualsubscalescores.
General words for size and amount
- -sized
- amount
- bulk
- content
- element
- flow
- footprint
- good things come in small packagesidiom
- level
- load
- measure
- much
- number
- order
- percent
- quota
- ration
- small-scale
- so muchidiom
- strength
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Words meaning parts of things
businessspecialized(alsosub-scale)uk/ˌsʌbˈskeɪl//ˈsʌb.skeɪl/us/ˌsʌbˈskeɪl//ˈsʌb.skeɪl/smallerthan othersimilarthings:
Thecompanyis still subscale in anindustrywheresizeisimportant.
Thecompanygrewquicklyfrom sub-scale to being amarketleader.
- Ouronlinebusinesswas subscale.
Success & failure in business
- administration
- axe
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- be running on fumesidiom
- belly
- dying
- fold
- go darkidiom
- go to the wallidiom
- growth hacker
- growth hacking
- have a corner on a marketidiom
- receiver
- soft launch
- spin
- spinsomethingoff
- start (something) up
- turn around
- turn round