street cred
UKuk/ˈstriːt ˌkred/us/ˈstriːt ˌkred/(alsostreet credibility)aqualitythat makes youlikelyto beacceptedbyordinaryyoungpeoplewholiveintownsandcitiesbecause you have the samefashions,styles,interests,culture, oropinions:
He was the firstpersonto reallybringstreetcredtowhiterap.他是第一个真正给白人说唱音乐带来街头亲和力的人。
See also
Modern & fashionable
- be (all) the rageidiom
- be having a momentidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- futuristic
- get with the programmeidiom
- go ahead
- happening
- high-tech
- hipster
- smartness
- snappily
- snappy
- snazzily
- snazzy
- sophisticated
- the avant-garde
- up-to-the-minuteidiom
- way-out
- with it
- à la mode