B2[Cusually singularorU]
aforceorinfluencethatstretches,pulls, or putspressureon something, sometimescausingdamage:
压力;拉力,张力;作用力Thehurricaneputsuch a strainonthebridgethat itcollapsed.在飓风强大的作用力下,桥塌了。
As you getolder,excessweightputsa lot of strainontheheart.随着年龄的增长,体重过重会给心脏造成很大负担。
Theirconstantargumentswereputtinga strainontheirmarriage.他们持续不断的争吵使他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。
Therecentdeclinein thedollarhasput abiggerstrainontheeconomicsystem.最近美元的贬值为经济体系带来了更大的压力。
Migration into thecitiesisputtinga strainonalreadystretchedresources.城市移民给已经过度紧张的资源带来了压力。
aninjuryto amuscleorsimilarsoftpartof thebodycausedby using thatparttoo much:
See also
something that makes youfeelnervousandworried:
压力;紧张She's a lotbetterthan she was but she's still notreadytofacethestressesandstrains of ajob.她比以前好多了,但仍然没有准备好应对工作的紧张和压力。
He's beenundera lot of strainrecently.他最近压力很大。
- agroinstrain
- Hismusclesknottedwith the strain.
- Jogging puts a lot of strain on theknees.
- The strain must have beenenormousbut sheboreit well.
- Theeventsof the last fewweekshave put arealstrain on him.
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- atmospheric pressure
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- frictionless
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- strong force
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Anxious and worried
Injuring and injuries
Anxiety and worry - general words
类型;品质;个性特点,禀性A strainofpuritanismrunsthrough all herwork.她的所有作品都带有一种清教主义色彩。
ananimalorplantfrom aparticulargroupwhosecharacteristicsare different in some way fromothersof the samegroup:
(动植物的)品系,株系,品种Scientists havediscovereda new strainoftheviruswhich is much moredangerous.科学家们已经发现了一种危险得多的新病毒。
Conditions and characteristics
- -ance
- -ancy
- -ibility
- ability
- age
- ambience
- appearance
- character
- have it inyouidiom
- hood
- humanity
- in
- presentation
- respect
- shape
- trait
- trappings
- unaffiliated
- undercurrent
- vibe
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Species & genders
旋律;曲调I couldhearthe strainsofMozart in thebackground.我听见背景音中有莫扎特的旋律。
Playing music
- accompaniment
- accompany
- air guitar
- beatsomethingout
- beatbox
- blow
- conduct
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- play (something) by earidiom
- playability
- playable
- pump
- roof
- tap
- transpose
- transposition
- ultra-smooth
- vibe
- wah-wah
toseparateliquidfoodfromsolidfood,especiallybypouringit through autensilwithsmallholesin it:
滤,过滤(食物)Could you strain thevegetables,please.你能把菜滤一滤吗?
Theoilin which thefishisfriedis strainedoffand used tocookpotatoes.煎鱼的油在过滤之后用来炸土豆了。
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- boil
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- zap
tobecomestretchedor toexperiencepressure, or to make something do orexperiencethis:
(使)紧张,(使)承受压力;拉紧,绷紧;损伤I've put on such a lot ofweightrecently- thisdressis straining at theseams.我最近胖了很多——这条裙子穿上后紧绷绷的。
I strained amusclein my backplayingsquash.我打壁球拉伤了背肌。
Don'twatchTV in thedark- you'll strainyoureyes!不要在黑暗中看电视——会伤害你的眼睛!
[+ to infinitive]figurativeI really had to strain(=tryvery hard)toreachthosetopnotes.我确实得铆足了劲儿才能唱出那些最高的音。
figurativeI was straining(myears)(=listeninghard)tohearwhat they were saying.我竖起耳朵,拼命想听清他们在说什么。
Tight and tightening
- astringency
- chokehold
- close-fitting
- fast
- inelasticity
- retighten
- skinny
- stiffen
- super-tight
- tauten
- tautly
- tautness
- tense
- tight
- tight-fitting
- tighten
- tightensomethingup
- tightly
- tightness
- up
tocausetoo much of something to be used,especiallymoney:
(尤指金钱)过多使用Increases inwholesaleoilpriceshave strained the company'sfinances.油料批发价的上涨让公司财务支出过多。
Too much and unnecessary
- be up toyourneck (insomething)idiom
- bellyful
- binge
- carry/take coals to Newcastleidiom
- de trop
- drown
- gush
- hyper
- immoderate
- immoderately
- inessential
- insatiable
- overdose
- plenty
- pleonasm
- pleonastic
- plethora
- proliferation
- unwarranted
- weighsomeone/somethingdown
be straining at the leash
strain after/for effect
strain every nerve