stick atsomething
phrasal verbwithstickverbuk/stɪk/us/stɪk/stuck|stuck
UK(alsostick to/withsomething)tocontinuetryinghard to do somethingdifficult:
You'll neverlearntoplaythepianoif you're not going tostickat it.
- I'm notentirelyhappywith myjobbut I'm going tostickat it for a while.
- She's neverstuckat onejobfor more than sixmonths.
- Iknowit's hardlearningtodrivebutstickat it.
- Stick at it and you'll getbetterandbetter.
- Andyourwork- are you going tostickat it or have you just had enough?
Trying and making an effort
- A game
- all-out
- assault
- attempt
- attempted
- bid
- commitment
- crack
- go down swinging/fightingidiom
- go for itidiom
- go forsomeone
- go out ofyourwayidiom
- go the extra mileidiom
- nose
- seek
- smarten upyouractidiom
- square the circleidiom
- step on the gasidiom
- stick tosomething
- strain after/for effectidiom