uk/ˈstep.waɪz/us/ˈstep.waɪz/stepwiseadjective(IN STAGES)
happeningorchangingin aseriesofregularstages:
逐步的,逐渐的I took a stepwiseapproach,figuringout theproblemfirst, thensearchingforpossiblesolutions.我采用了循序渐进的方法,先弄清问题,再寻找可能的解决办法。
- Themethodinvolvesthe use of acoolingdevicefor stepwisedecreaseof thetemperature.
- Oxygenflowwasadjustedin a stepwisefashiontodecreasetheoxygencontentfrom 21% to 16% to 12% to 8%.
- Hisdriftaway from thereligionof hisbirthwas stepwise andslow.
Slow and moving slowly
- (as) slow as molassesidiom
- at a snail's paceidiom
- by and byidiom
- by degreesidiom
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- drift
- float
- inch by inchidiom
- infiltrate
- infiltration
- jog
- labour
- lag
- laggard
- sluggishly
- sluggishness
- snail
- steadily
- steadiness
- struggle
used todescribeachangefrom amusicalnoteto thenotethat is next to it in ascale(= aseriesofnotes):
(音符)级进的Thethemeof Elgar's Enigma Variations isgreatlyenhancedby the stepwisemovementof thebass.埃尔加《英格玛变奏曲》的主题通过低音的阶梯式级进得到了极大的加强。
the stepwisemotionfrom C to D从C到D的级进
- Since stepwisemovementiscommonin mosttypesofmusic, thepractisingofscalesformsabasicpartof an instrumentalist'straining.
- Thetenorpartproceedsmostlyin stepwisemotion.
- The song's stepwisemelodyisdeceptivelycomplex.
- Incommonwith Part's othermusic, it has stepwise modulations and anemphasisoncyclic,thematicrepetition.
Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- andante
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- step
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- tempo
- trill
uk/ˈstep.waɪz/us/ˈstep.waɪz/gradually, in aseriesofregularstages:
逐步地,逐渐地He did nottrytoerasetheexistingbusinessmodelentirely; he ischangingthings stepwise.他并没有试图一次性消除现有的商业模式,而是在循序渐进地做出改变。
- Whensignificanttumorregressionoccurred, themedicationwaseventuallydecreasedstepwise.
- I like toaddthetoppingstepwise as Ieatthesprouts, so itstaysreallycrunchy.
- Thesamplesfurthercooledveryslowlyto 196°C byfillingtheboxstepwise withsmallamountsofliquidnitrogenover aperiodof 2hours.
Slow and moving slowly
- (as) slow as molassesidiom
- at a snail's paceidiom
- by and byidiom
- by degreesidiom
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- drift
- float
- inch by inchidiom
- infiltrate
- infiltration
- jog
- labour
- lag
- laggard
- sluggishly
- sluggishness
- snail
- steadily
- steadiness
- struggle