apileof thingsarrangedone ontopof another:
(码放整齐的)堆,叠,摞Hechoseacartoonfrom the stack ofDVDson theshelf.他从架子上的一摞DVD中挑了盘卡通片。

malerapaso/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
大量,许多Don'tworry, we've got stacks oftime.别担心,我们有的是时间。
the stacks
a set ofshelvesin alibrarythat arepositionedclosetogether so that a lot ofbookscan bestoredon them:
(图书馆中排列密集的)藏书书架;书库What's thebestway tofindabookin the stacks?
Myjobwas toreplacebooksin the stacks.
The stacks are onfloors5-7 of thelibrary.
Amemberofstafftook us on atourof the stacks.
Ask at thedeskif youwishtoseeabookthat is in the stacks.

Bet_Noire/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- hulk
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Furniture for storage
agroupofaircraftcirclingover anairportat differentheightswaitingforpermissiontoland:
多架在机场上空盘旋等待降落许可的飞机We were in the stack for over anhourbefore welanded.我们和其它飞机在机场上空盘旋等待了一个多小时后才降落。
Air travel: aviation
- aerobatic
- aerodynamically
- aeronautic
- aeronautical
- air bridge
- air traffic control
- aircraft
- airlift
- airshow
- airspace
- aviation
- blind
- excess baggage
- flight path
- outfly
- overflight
- post-flight
- putsomething/someonedown
- setsomethingdown
- slipstream
a way ofstoringdata(=information)on acomputerso that the lastpieceofdatato bestoredis the first one to befoundby thecomputer
(信息存储方法)堆栈Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcode
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
(alsosea stack)
atallpieceofrockstickingout of theseanear thecoast,formedby theactionof thewavesagainst therockon thecoast:
The Twelve Apostles is thenameof aseriesoflimestonestacksprotrudingdramaticallyfrom thesea.

Geography: promontories & peninsulas
- arm
- cape
- Cape Cod
- causeway
- head
- headland
- isthmus
- panhandle
- peninsula
- peninsular
- point
- promontory
- sea stack
- spit
- tombolo
Australian Englishinformal
acaraccident,especiallyone thatcausesdamage
(尤指造成伤害的)车祸On the road: accidents involving vehicles
- anti-collision
- bird strike
- brake
- car crash
- crash-landing
- cropper
- derail
- derailment
- overshoot
- prang
- rear-end
- road toll
- roadkill
- rubbernecking
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- sideswipe
- smash
- stack up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding
uk/stæk/us/stæk/stackverb(PUT SOMEWHERE)
toarrangethings in anorderedpile:
把…放成整齐的一摞;把…码成堆Once the last fewpeoplehadleftthehall, thecaretakerbeganstacking(up)thechairs.最后几个人一离开大厅,看门人就开始把椅子摞起来。
tofillsomething withobjects:
码放,摆放I got ajobstackingshelvesin asupermarket.我在一家超市找到了一份在货架上码货的工作。
Will you stack thedishwasherandswitchit on,please?请把洗碗机装满然后打开开关好吗?
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- fit
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Filling and completing
[IorT](alsostack up)
tocircleover anairportwaitingforpermissiontoland, or to make anaircraftdo this:
(使)飞机在机场上空盘旋等待降落许可Theairlineuses thousands oftonnesoffuelayearwhenitsplanesare stacking above Heathrow and Gatwick.这家航空公司的飞机在希思罗机场和盖特威克机场上空盘旋等待降落时,每年要消耗数千吨燃料。
Planes stacked up at LAX when aradarfailurecausedproblemsnationwide.当雷达故障在全国范围内引发问题时,洛杉矶国际机场的上空有大批的飞机盘旋不能降落。
We were stacked up forhourswaitingtoland.我们在机场上空盘旋了好几个小时等待降落。
Air travel: aviation
- aerobatic
- aerodynamically
- aeronautic
- aeronautical
- air bridge
- air traffic control
- aircraft
- airlift
- airshow
- airspace
- aviation
- blind
- excess baggage
- flight path
- outfly
- overflight
- post-flight
- putsomething/someonedown
- setsomethingdown
- slipstream
have the odds/cards stacked againstyou
stack the cards
stack the pads
Phrasal verb
stack up