State of the Union
uk/ˌsteɪt əv ðə ˈjuː.nj.ən/us/ˌsteɪt̬ əv ðə ˈjuː.nj.ən/aspeechthat thePresidentof theUnitedStatesgives toCongresseveryyearabout theachievementsandplansof thegovernment:
(美国总统每年就政府的成就和计划向国会发表的)国情咨文Herelishesthemomentwhen hestandsbeforeCongresstodelivertheStateof theUnion.他很期待有一天能够站在国会面前发表国情咨文。
theStateof theUnionaddress/speech国情咨文/演讲
Announcing, informing & stating
- acquaintsomeone/yourselfwithsomething
- affirm
- annunciation
- avowedly
- awaken
- awakensomeonetosomething
- break
- break it/the news tosomeoneidiom
- breathe/say a wordidiom
- known
- on the recordidiom
- proclamation
- pronounce
- putsomethingout ofitsmiseryidiom
- rapporteur
- record
- resensitize
- rollout
- self-anointed
- statement