spring peeper
uk/ˈsprɪŋ ˌpiː.pər/us/ˈsprɪŋ ˌpiː.pɚ/anothernamefor apeeper: atypeofsmallNorthAmericanfrog, themalesof which make arepeatedhighsoundfrom around thebeginningofspring:
(北美)春雨蛙(雨蛙的又一个名称)At theedgeof theyard, amalespringpeeperfrogcalls- hisvocalsacballooningin and out as hetriesfor all he'sworthtoattractamate.一只雄性春雨蛙在院子边上不断发出叫声——它不停鼓动声囊,竭尽全力吸引异性。
- Above thepond,springpeepers -tinyfrogswithdeafeningvoicesthatheraldspringtimein Maine - werenowhereto beseen.
- He said thespringpeepers are soloud, a man can'thearhimselfthink.
- Here's what she has beenhearinglately: Americantoads,graytreefrogs,springpeepers and anoccasionalchorusfrog.
- Thematingcallsoftinyamphibianscalledspringpeepersdriftedacrossthedampnightair.
Reptile & amphibian names
- adder
- alligator
- amphibia
- amphibian
- anaconda
- chameleon
- cobra
- constrictor
- crocodile
- frog
- lizard
- loggerhead
- mamba
- monitor lizard
- newt
- skink
- slowworm
- snake
- terrapin
- toad