amassof verysmalldropsofliquidcarriedin theair:
浪花;水花;飞沫Can youfeelthe spray from thesea/waterfall?你能感觉到海上的浪花/瀑布溅起的水雾吗?
aliquidthat isforcedout of aspecialcontainerunderpressureso that itbecomesamassofsmallliquiddropslike acloud:
喷雾;喷雾状液体aquickspray ofperfume/polish快速喷洒出的香水/上光剂

Dave and Les Jacobs/Blend Images/GettyImages
amassofsmalldropsofliquidspreadontoplantsandcrops, etc. from aspecialpieceofequipment, or thepieceofequipmentitself:
(洒在植物、庄稼等上的)喷剂;喷雾器Farmers use a lot ofchemicalsprays oncrops.农场主们在庄稼上施了很多化学喷剂。
- She couldfeelthe spray from thewateron herskin.
- I don't like using sprays in mygarden.
- Do you use any sprays onyourhair?
- Somehairconditionerscomes in theformof sprays.
- If you use thisnasalspray,yournoseshouldclearabit.
Movement of liquids
- backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- run a bathphrase
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- spate
- swill
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub
asinglesmallbranchorstemwithleavesandflowerson it:
一枝小花All theweddingguestsworesprays ofcarnations.所有参加婚礼的来宾都戴着康乃馨花枝。

Rosemary Calvert/Photographer's Choice/GettyImages
Parts of plants
- bilobed
- blade
- bough
- bulb
- calyx
- caning
- cascara sagrada
- corolla
- endodermis
- needle
- outgrowth
- rhizome
- simple leaf
- spine
- stoma
- tea leaf
- variegation
- vascular
- veined
- vesicle
verb[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
tospreadliquidinsmalldropsover anarea:
喷洒She sprayed herselfwithperfume.她往身上喷了些香水。
Vandals had sprayedgraffition thewall.破坏公物的人在墙上乱涂乱画。
Thepipeburstandwaterwas sprayingeverywhere.水管爆裂,水喷得到处都是。
figurativeRushhourcommuterswere sprayedwithbulletsby agunmanin acar.交通高峰时段,一辆车上的持枪歹徒对上下班的人们一通扫射。
- Hooligans had sprayedpaintall over thecar.
- She sprayedredpaintall over hiscarin one lastvengefulactbeforeleavinghim for good.
- Sheturnedon thehoseand ajetofwatersprayedacrossthegarden.
- The woman next to me sprayed on someperfumeandstankout thewholeshop.
- She sprayedconditionerinto myhair.
Movement of liquids
- backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- run a bathphrase
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- spate
- swill
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub