apersonwhospellswords in the way that isdescribed:
With thesegameswehopeto make itcoolto be agoodspeller.
InschoolI was always abadspeller.
Hemingway, Keats,VirginiaWoolf, and Yeats were all said to beappallingspellers.
She said thatfrequenttexterstendto bebetterspellers, because they're much more used to writing.
apersonwhotakespartin aspellingcompetition:
She was one of only 12 spellers who made it to thefinalsbroadcastliveonABC.
- He isn't anaturalspeller and I used to be ateacher, so I always have tocheckhiswork.
- Good spellers oftenenjoysearchingforexceptionsandlookingatincorrectexamples, because they canseewhat'swrong.
- Spellers who rely onsound(that is, spellers with aweakvisualmemory) often makemistakes.
- Theannualspellingbeebeginsthisweekin Washington, D. C., withnearly300 spellers.
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- put/set pencil to paperidiom
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- touch-type
- writ
- writing
Theypublishgrammars,usageguides,pronunciationguides, spellers, etc.
- I never went toschool. Ilearnedtoreadout of McGuffey's speller. It was a littlebookwith ablueback.
- BecauseEnglishspellingis oftenunrelatedtoitspronunciation, spellers were used asteachingtoolsinschools.
- Webster'ssmallvolume, inlatereditionstitledThe American SpellingBook,becamewidelyknownas The Blue-Backed Speller.
Books: kinds of books
- abridgment
- annual
- anthology
- audiobook
- autobiography
- backlist
- crammer
- dime novel
- e-reader
- exercise book
- fiction
- flipback
- novelette
- novella
- page-turner
- paperback
- photo album
- travelogue
- ya
- young adult
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Books: reference books