uk/ˌspek.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/us/ˌspek.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/speculationnoun[C or U](GUESS)
theactivityofguessingpossibleanswersto aquestionwithout having enoughinformationto becertain:
猜测;推测,推断Rumours that they are about tomarryhave beendismissedaspurespeculation.他们打算结婚的传言已证实只不过是猜测。
[+ that]News of the president'sillnessfuelled/promptedspeculationthatanelectionwill beheldlaterin theyear.总统患病的消息引起了人们的猜测,认为在今年晚些时候会举行一次选举。
- He hadtriedtodampdown speculation about thestateof hismarriage.
- Herresignationendsmonthsof speculation about herfuture.
- Thestatementexcitednew speculation that aseniorministermay be about toresign.
- Theprimeminister'sspeechfuelledspeculation that she is about toresign.
- Theministerdismissedthenewspaperreportsaspurespeculation.
Guesses and assumptions
- a shot in the darkidiom
- approximation
- assumption
- bet
- conjecture
- counterfactual
- educated guess
- estimate
- guess
- misestimation
- overestimate
- overestimation
- preception
- preconception
- proposition
- re-estimate
- sneaking
- speculatively
- supposition
- suspicion
speculationnoun[C or U](TRADING)
theactofspeculatinginorderto make aprofit
投机,投机买卖Stock markets
- algo
- anti-city
- anti-dilution
- anti-speculation
- anti-speculative
- bearish
- bond
- bull
- bull market
- non-controlling
- non-convertible
- non-cumulative
- non-directional
- non-discretionary
- payback period
- rogue trader
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- strip
- the Big Board
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