very,extremely, or to such adegree:
很,非常,这么,那么Thehouseis sobeautiful.这房子太漂亮了!
Thank you for being sopatient.谢谢你这么耐心。
Don't be sostupid!不要这么傻了!
I didn'tknowshe had so manychildren!我不知道她有这么多孩子!
You can only do so much tohelp(= there is alimitto how much you canhelp).你只能帮忙到这个地步。
I'm sotired(that)I couldsleepin thischair!我太累了,连坐在这椅子上都能睡着!
I'mnotsodesperateas toagreeto that.我并不急着非同意不可。
The word itself is sorareas to bealmostobsolete.这个词本身就十分罕见,几乎要被淘汰了。
not standard
used before anounor before "not" toemphasizewhat is being said:
(用在名词或 not 前表示强调)Don'twearthat - it's so lastyear(= it wasfashionablelastyearbut not now).别穿那个了——去年才流行那个呢,现在早过时了。
I'msorry, but she is sonotasize10(= she is very muchlargerthan asize10).对不起,但适合她的尺码绝对要比10号大很多。
used at the end of asentencetomeanto a verygreatdegree:
(放在句末表示程度高)Is that why youhatehim so?这就是你如此痛恨他的原因吗?
- He's sounreliable.
- It was sokindof you.
- I'm sotired.
- He's sogorgeous.
- She's sotall.
Linguistics: very & extreme
- abjectly
- abundantly
- beyond
- biblical
- blankly
- completely
- desperately
- extreme
- highly
- rank
- raving
- serious
- smack
- spectacularly
- such
- terrible
- terribly
- unutterably
- veritably
- wonderfully
soadverb(SAME WAY)
used usually before theverbs"have", "be", or "do", and otherauxiliaryverbstoexpressthemeaning"in the same way" or "in asimilarway":
(通常用于 have,be,do 等助动词前)同样,像这样"I've got anenormousamountofworkto do." "So have I."“我有很多很多工作要做。”“我也一样。”
"I'mallergictonuts." "So is mybrother."“我对坚果过敏。”“我弟弟也是。”
Neilleftjust aftermidnightand so did Roz.尼尔午夜刚过就走了,罗兹也走了。
Justasyou like to have anightout with thelads, so I like to go out with thegirlsnow and again.就像你喜欢和小伙子晚上出去一样,我偶尔也喜欢和女孩子一起出去。
- "We went onSaturday." "So did we."
- "I'mfedup with him." "So am I."
- "I've really put onweight." "So have I."
- "I'd like to goskiing." "So would I."
- "We're going to France thissummer." "So are we."
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- respecter
- snap
used toavoidrepeatinga phrasementionedearlier:
(用于代替先前提到的短语以避免重复)这样,如此"Ihopetheystaytogether." "Ihopeso too."“我希望他们在一起。”“我也希望如此。”
"Do youthinkhe'supset?" "I don'tthinkso."“你认为他不高兴了吗?”“我想没有。”
James is comingtonight, or so he said.詹姆斯今晚要来,至少他是这么说的。
used to say that asituationmentionedearlieriscorrectortrue:
是这样,像那样"Is ittruethat we're not getting apayincreasethisyear?" "I'mafraidso."“我们今年真的不会加薪吗?”“恐怕是这样的。”
"Anthony and Mia don't get along very well." "Is that so?"“安东尼和米娅相处得不怎么好。”“真是那样吗?”
"Theforecastsays it mightrain." "If so, we'll have thepartyinside."“天气预报说可能要下雨。”“如果真是那样的话,我们就在室内聚会。”
used to say that afactthat has just beenstatediscertainlytrue:
的确如此,的确这样"Myeyesareslightlydifferentcolours." "So they are."“我两眼的颜色略有差别。”“的确如此。”
"That's herbrother- helookslike James Dean." "So he does."“那是她弟弟——看上去像詹姆斯•迪恩。”“的确如此。”
usedinsteadofrepeatinganadjectivethat has already beenmentioned:
(用于代替已提到过的形容词以避免重复)She'sreasonabletoworkwith - more so than I wasledtobelieve.她是个能与之共事的人——比人们告诉我的要好。
He'sfairlybright- well,certainlymore so than hisbrother.他挺聪明的——嗯,绝对比他弟弟聪明。
USchild's word
used,especiallybychildren, toargueagainst anegativestatement:
(尤为儿语)偏偏,就是"You didn'tevenseethemovie." "I did so!"“你根本没有看过这部电影。”“我就是看过!”
to do so
toactin the waymentioned:
(按照所提到的)这么做Parents must takeresponsibilityfortheirchildren. Failure to do so couldmeanafineor ajailsentence.父母必须为他们的子女负责,如果不这样的话可能意味着罚款或监禁。
- "Will Charles be there?" "Ithinkso."
- "Is Lucy coming?" "Ihopeso."
- "Are theyleavingManchester?" "Ibelieveso."
- Aliceworksthere - or so I was told.
- Oliver wasfurious- or so Tilly told me.
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Saying again
Expressions used to describe situations
Linguistics: very & extreme
Acting and acts
Behaving, interacting and behaviour
soadverb(IN THIS WAY)
in this way, or like this:
以这种方式,这样Thepillars, which areoutsidethebuilding, are soplacedinordertoprovidethemaximumspaceinside.建筑物外面的柱子如此排列是为了能提供最大的室内空间。
I've soarrangedmytripthat I'll behomeonFridaynight.我这样安排自己的旅程就能在星期五晚上到家。
used when you areshowinghow something is done:
(用于示范如何做)就这样Justfoldthispieceofpaperback, so, and make acreasehere.把这张纸反折,就这样,在这儿折一条痕。
Gentlyfoldin theeggslikeso.就这样轻轻拌入鸡蛋。
used when you arerepresentingthesizeof something:
(用于表示大小)这么,那么"Howtallis he next to you?" "Oh, about sobig," she said,indicatingthelevelof herneck.“他到你哪儿?”“哦,大约这么高。”她在自己的脖子上比划了一下说道。
"Thetablethat Ilikedbestwas about sowide," she said,holdingherarmsout ametreand ahalf.“我最喜欢的桌子大约有这么宽。”她说着,张开双臂至一米半的间距。
Ways of achieving things
- actively
- another
- approach
- avenue
- bases
- basis
- device
- formula
- media
- method
- methodological
- methodologically
- methodology
- strategy
- styleless
- stylistic
- stylistically
- technique
- thus
- vehicle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Acting and acts
General words for size and amount
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So+ adjective (so difficult),so+ adverb (so slowly)
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So muchandso many
We use so before much, many, little and few:…Soas a substitute form
In formal contexts we can use so instead of an adjective phrase after a verb:…So am I,so do I,Neither do I
We use so with be and with modal and auxiliary verbs to mean ‘in the same way’, ‘as well’ or ‘too’. We use it in order to avoid repeating a verb, especially in short responses with pronoun subjects. When we use so in this way, we invert the verb and subject, and we do not repeat the main verb (so + verb [= v] + subject [= s]):…Soas a conjunction
We use so as a subordinating conjunction to introduce clauses of result or decision:…Soas a discourse marker
So is a very common discourse marker in speaking. It usually occurs at the beginning of clauses and we use it when we are summarising what has just been said, or when we are changing topic:…So:other uses in speaking
So far means ‘up to now’:…Soandnotwithexpect,hope,think, etc.
We can use so after some verbs instead of repeating an object clause, especially in short answers. The verbs we do this with most are: appear, assume, be afraid (meaning ‘regret’), believe, expect, guess, hope, imagine, presume, reckon, seem, suppose, think:…Idioms
only so much/many
so be it
so much so
uk/səʊ/us/soʊ/soconjunction(SENTENCE BEGINNING)
used at thebeginningof asentencetoconnectit with something that has been said or hashappenedpreviously:
(放在句首,表示和已说过或已发生过的事相联系)如此,这样,那么So, there I wasstandingat theedgeof theroadwith only myunderwearon ...就这样,我站在路边,只穿着内衣……
So, just tofinishwhat I was sayingearlier...那么,就把我刚才所说的内容讲完……
used as a way of makingcertainthat you or someoneelseunderstandsomethingcorrectly, often when you arerepeatingtheimportantpointsof aplan:
(用于进行确认)那么,这么说So weleaveon theThursdayand get back the nextTuesday, is thatright?这么说,我们星期四出发,下一个星期二回来,对吗?
used to refer to adiscoverythat you have just made:
(表示发现)这就是,原来是So that's what he does when I'm not around!那就是我不在的时候他所干的事!
used as ashortpause, sometimes toemphasizewhat you are saying:
(表示停顿,有时用于强调所说的内容)So, here we are again - just you and me.瞧,我们又在一起了——就你和我。
used before youintroduceasubjectofconversationthat is ofpresentinterest,especiallywhen you areaskingaquestion:
(表示引出谈话内容,尤用于提问)那么So, who do youthinkis going towintheelection?那么,你认为谁会赢得大选?
used to show that youagreewith something that someone has just said, but you do notthinkthat it isimportant:
(表示某人所说的内容并不重要)是呀,没错So the car'sexpensive- well, I canaffordit.没错,这辆车的确很贵——可我买得起。
- So, what are we having fordinner?"
- So, what were you saying about Nadia?"
- So, you'll bemovinghouseIhear.
- So, what was I saying just now?
- So that's why youwantedme theretonight- tohelpwith thecooking!
Linguistics: connecting words joining words or phrases with similar or related meanings
- and/orphrase
- anyhoo
- anyways
- concatenate
- conjunctive
- connective
- consequently
- ergo
- hereby
- I meanidiom
- mean
- N, n
- now
- slash
- sure enoughidiom
- the thing isidiom
- there
- thing
- what
- with thatidiom
and for thatreason;therefore:
所以,因此Mykneestartedhurtingso Istoppedrunning.我的膝盖开始疼痛,因此我停下来不再跑了。
I waslostso Iboughtastreetmap.我迷路了,所以买了一张街道地图。
- She wasillso Isenther someflowerstocheerher up.
- Ifeltabitchillyso I put on ajacket.
- Shelookedat me so Ismiledat her.
- Hehitme so Ihithim back.
- I washungryso Iboughtasandwich.
Linguistics: connecting words joining words or phrases with similar or related meanings
- and/orphrase
- anyhoo
- anyways
- concatenate
- conjunctive
- connective
- consequently
- ergo
- hereby
- I meanidiom
- mean
- N, n
- now
- slash
- sure enoughidiom
- the thing isidiom
- there
- thing
- what
- with thatidiom
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So+ adjective (so difficult),so+ adverb (so slowly)
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So muchandso many
We use so before much, many, little and few:…Soas a substitute form
In formal contexts we can use so instead of an adjective phrase after a verb:…So am I,so do I,Neither do I
We use so with be and with modal and auxiliary verbs to mean ‘in the same way’, ‘as well’ or ‘too’. We use it in order to avoid repeating a verb, especially in short responses with pronoun subjects. When we use so in this way, we invert the verb and subject, and we do not repeat the main verb (so + verb [= v] + subject [= s]):…Soas a conjunction
We use so as a subordinating conjunction to introduce clauses of result or decision:…Soas a discourse marker
So is a very common discourse marker in speaking. It usually occurs at the beginning of clauses and we use it when we are summarising what has just been said, or when we are changing topic:…So:other uses in speaking
So far means ‘up to now’:…Idioms
so there
so what?
used before you give anexplanationfor theactionthat you have justmentioned:
为了,以便[+ (that)]Ideliberatelydidn't havelunchso(that)I would behungrytonight.我特意没吃午饭,为的就是让自己今晚能感到饿。
Leave thekeysout so(that)Irememberto take them with me.把钥匙放在外面,好让我记得带。
so as to
为了,以便I alwayskeepfruitin thefridgeso as tokeepfliesoff it.我总是把水果放在冰箱里,以防虫子叮咬。
so as not to
inordernot to:
为了不,以便不He did notswitchon thelightso as not todisturbher.为了不打扰她,他没有开灯。
- I didn'ttellhim so he wouldn'tworry.
- I took theumbrellaso we wouldn't getsoaked.
- I told mymotherso she'dknowwhy we were late.
- I got myhaircutso I'd besmartfor theparty.
- I gave it to Isobel so she couldenjoyit too.
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
- as
- at
- because
- because of
- case
- courtesy
- cuz
- dint
- except
- except thatidiom
- from
- herein
- inasmuch as
- insofar as
- light
- order
- owing to
- since
- virtue
- with
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So+ adjective (so difficult),so+ adverb (so slowly)
We often use so when we mean ‘to such a great extent’. With this meaning, so is a degree adverb that modifies adjectives and other adverbs:…So muchandso many
We use so before much, many, little and few:…Soas a substitute form
In formal contexts we can use so instead of an adjective phrase after a verb:…So am I,so do I,Neither do I
We use so with be and with modal and auxiliary verbs to mean ‘in the same way’, ‘as well’ or ‘too’. We use it in order to avoid repeating a verb, especially in short responses with pronoun subjects. When we use so in this way, we invert the verb and subject, and we do not repeat the main verb (so + verb [= v] + subject [= s]):…Soas a conjunction
We use so as a subordinating conjunction to introduce clauses of result or decision:…Soas a discourse marker
So is a very common discourse marker in speaking. It usually occurs at the beginning of clauses and we use it when we are summarising what has just been said, or when we are changing topic:…So:other uses in speaking
So far means ‘up to now’:…So thatorin order that?
We use so that and in order that to talk about purpose. We often use them with modal verbs (can, would, will, etc.). So that is far more common than in order that, and in order that is more formal:…so
uk/səʊ/us/soʊ/just/exactly so
perfectlytidyand wellarranged:
非常整齐的,井井有条的He's aperfectionist- everything has to be just so.他是个完美主义者——一切都必须是一丝不乱的。
Clean & tidy
- (as) clean as a (new) pinidiom
- apple pie
- aseptic
- be in apple-pie orderidiom
- cleanliness
- clipped
- neatly
- neatness
- non-clogging
- non-polluting
- ordered
- orderly
- spotless
- spotlessly
- squeaky-clean
- stainless
- sterile
- super-clean
- tidy
- well kept
索(大调音阶的第五音,同 soh)Synonym
Notes of the musical scale
- A, a
- B, b
- bass
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- flat
- half step
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- re
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa