adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈsniː.kɪŋ/us/ˈsniː.kɪŋ/If you have a sneakingfeelingabout someone or something, you have thatfeeling,althoughyou are notcertainit iscorrect:
(感觉)暗自的,隐隐感到的I have a sneakingfeeling/suspicionthat we're going thewrongway.我隐隐觉得/暗自有点怀疑我们走错了路。
Guesses and assumptions
- a shot in the darkidiom
- approximation
- assumption
- bet
- conjecture
- counterfactual
- educated guess
- estimate
- guess
- misestimation
- overestimate
- overestimation
- preception
- preconception
- proposition
- re-estimate
- speculation
- speculatively
- supposition
- surmise