phrasal verbwithsnapverbuk/snæp/us/snæp/-pp-
informaltobuyor get somethingquicklyandenthusiasticallybecause it ischeaporexactlywhat youwant:
Theticketsfor theconcertweresnappedup within threehoursof going onsale.
Thefallinpropertypricesmeansthat there are a lot ofbargainswaitingto besnappedup.
buy(PAY FOR)
to buy something
- buyI need to buy some new shoes.
- getI need to go to the supermarket and get some bread.
- purchaseShe purchased a new computer.
- pick something upCan you just pop in the shop and pick up some eggs?
Getting, receiving and accepting
- acquire
- acquisition
- awardee
- carve
- carvesomethingout (foryourself)
- draw
- earn
- fill
- get out ofsomething
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- glom ontosomething/someone
- go tosomeone
- honoree
- score
- screwsomethingout ofsomeone
- secure
- seize
- seize on/uponsomething
- snatch
- snatch atsomething