agreementbetween andsupportfor themembersof agroup,especiallyapoliticalgroup:
团结一致Thesituationraisesimportantquestionsabout solidarity amongmemberstatesof the UN.当前形势对联合国成员国能否团结一致这一重要问题提出了质疑。
Thepurposeof thespeechwas to show solidaritywiththe country'sleaders.这场演讲的目的是为了表示与国家领导人团结一致。
the state of agreeing with someone or something
- agreementThere's widespread agreement that something must be done.
- acceptanceHis views never gained acceptance among the broader community.
- concordanceThe study shows strong concordance between patient health and patient happiness.
- assentThe bill received royal assent.
- consentI give my consent to the marriage.
- sanctionShe gave official state sanction to the drilling company for their proposed pipeline.
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- sign on the dotted lineidiom
- unanimous