smart money
uk/ˈsmɑːt ˌmʌn.i/us/ˈsmɑːrt ˌmʌn.i/[U]
moneythat isbet(=risked)orinvested(= put into something inorderto make aprofit)bypeoplewhoknowa lot about asubject:
行家的投资(或赌注);明智的投资(或赌注)A lot ofsmartmoneyis going into theuraniummarketrightnow.现在很多行家都在投资铀市场。
the smart money[S]
thepeoplewhoknowa lot about asubject:
投资(或下注)的行家Thesmartmoneyalwaysfindsa way towin.擅长下注的人总是能找到赢钱的办法。
Americanslikestayingnearbeaches, but thesmartmoneystaysup high, away from thecrowdsand theheat.美国人喜欢呆在海滩附近,但投资的行家会呆在高处,远离人群和炎热。
If thesmartmoneyis on something, or says something,peoplewhoknowa lot about thesituationthinkit willhappen:
行家;行家观点There's nodoubtthat thesmartmoneywill beonWilliams torepeatlast year'ssuccess.毫无疑问,行家认为威廉姆斯会重复去年的成功。
And thesmartmoneysaysthat thecommitteewillrejecttheoffer.而行家的观点是委员会将拒绝这个提议。
- Thosebettingthat thisprogramcansucceedsimplydo notunderstandthenatureoftheirwager. Thesmartmoneyis going the other way.
- Inournextrace, thesmartmoney, theclevermoney, is going on ahorsecalled Nice One Clare.
- Rhona Martin and the womenwongoldin Salt Lake City, but thesmartmoneyis on the men thistime.
Gambling & bookmaking
- a/the bookmaker'sphrase
- ante
- anti-gambling
- bank
- bet
- blackjack
- casino
- chip
- co-favourite
- cockfight
- croupier
- gaming table
- poker machine
- punt
- roulette
- slot machine
- sweepstake
- toss up
- trifecta
- turf accountant
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Investing money
Experts and specialists
Possible and probable