smart glasses
(alsosmartglasses)uk/ˈsmɑːt ˌɡlɑː.sɪz/us/ˈsmɑːrt ˌɡlæs.ɪz/apairofglassesthatcontaincomputertechnologyso that, forexample, they can be used in asimilarway to asmartphone, or you can getinformationaddedto what you areseeingas youlookthrough them:
智能眼镜Apairofsmartglasseswillmeanthat you can takephotoswithyourspectacles.智能眼镜意味着可以用眼镜来拍照。
Smartglasseswill beabletofeedyouliveinformationduringyouractivities.智能眼镜可以在活动时提供实时信息。
- Smartglassesare what isknownaswearabletech.
- The company's firstwearabledevicewill be apairofsmartglasseswith the Alexavoiceassistantbuiltin,accordingto areportin the Financial Times.
- There is anoptionaladapterforpluggingthe smartglasses into aUSBpowersource.
Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- gamepad
- graphics card
- hard drive
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- parallel port
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard