smart cookie
USinformaluk/ˌsmɑːt ˈkʊk.i/us/ˌsmɑːrt ˈkʊk.i/acleverpersonwho makes gooddecisions:
聪明人He is asmartcookie,adjustinghissongstofithisaudiences.他是一个聪明的家伙,调整了自己的歌曲以适应观众。
You are onesmartcookie.你是个聪明的家伙。
- According to hercolleagues, Ann is arealsmartcookie.
- She mightseemlike ascatterbrain, but infactshe's asmartcookie.
- The woman inchargewasobviouslyasmartcookiewith a lot ofexperience.
Intelligent people
- academic
- bluestocking
- bookish
- bookworm
- bright spark
- cerebral
- clever
- gnome
- intellectual
- laureate
- mage
- mind
- not be just a pretty faceidiom
- sage
- scholar
- smart-arse
- superintellectual
- the intelligentsia
- thinker
- wit