懒散Theworkhas beencriticizedfor sloppiness anderrors.这功课因潦草和错漏百出而被批评。
There was ageneralsloppiness in the way thebusinesswasrun.总得来说,这家公司的管理很松散。
- There is noevidenceofparticularsloppiness by theairportsecurity.
- Thechefsawso much sloppiness in thekitchenthat heflewinto one of hisrages.
- Hepassedtheballwith analarmingsloppiness.
Not paying attention
- absent
- absent-minded
- absent-mindedly
- absent-mindedness
- absently
- anyhow
- dreamily
- dreamy
- drop/loweryourguardidiom
- faraway
- glazed
- laxity
- laxly
- like a bull in a china shopidiom
- merrily
- misfocus
- sideline
- unmindful
- unwary
- zone out
(ofclothes) thequalityof beinguntidyand toobigorloose:
邋遢;衣着宽松不合身Thejacketseemedabitbigbut Iloveitscomfortablesloppiness.这件夹克看起来有点大,但我喜欢它舒适的宽松。
You may need tospeakto her about the sloppiness of herappearance.你可能需要和她谈谈,外表不要弄得太邋遢。
- Whiledisapprovingof the sloppiness of hisclothes, sheenviedhim hisease.
- There's afunnysloppiness thatoccursin many a mom'swardrobe.
Flexible, loose and yielding
- adrift
- bendable
- bendy
- ductile
- ductility
- flowing
- fullness
- jointed
- limply
- limpness
- loose-fitting
- pliant
- pliantly
- relax
- rubbery
- slack
- slacken
- sloppy
- unstuck
- yielding
thestateof being tooliquid, often in anunpleasantway:
过稀的状态Serve withbreadtoscoopup all thatdelicioussloppiness.伴有面包,可将美味的稀汁抹个干净。
Iforgottomentionthe sloppiness of thechocolatepots. They were amess.我忘了说罐子里的巧克力太稀了,乱糟糟的。
- Iaddextrasauce, and thekidslovethe sloppiness of thisdish.
- Theindividualingredientswerelostin theoverallsloppiness of theburger.
- Theproblemwas not really thefooditself, but more the sloppiness of thefood.
Physics: the state of matter
- absorbency
- absorption
- acidic
- allotropic
- compressible
- concentration
- e-liquid
- fluid
- gaseous
- impermeable
- metallic
- neutral
- permeable
- pressurized
- slurry
- superabsorbent
- superwave
- unabsorbent
- unset
- viscosity
thequalityof beingsillyor tooemotional:
Ithinktoo much sloppiness on a firstdatecan beclaustrophobic.
- Hecastalookof suchsimperingsloppiness at hiswifeit would have made acatsick.
- There was none of thesentimentalsloppiness about her that had been sonoticeablebefore.
- He didn't like myemotionalsloppiness,eventhough he himself sometimesbecamesentimental.
Sentimental and over-emotional
- cloying
- cloyingly
- gauzily
- mawkish
- mawkishly
- mushy
- sappy
- schmaltz
- schmaltzy
- sentimental
- sickly
- sloppily
- sloppy
- slush
- slushy
- soppily
- soppiness
- soppy
- syrupy
- tweeness