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sleepernoun(PERSON)a good/heavy/light sleeper someone whosleepsin thestatedway: 睡眠好/睡觉沉/睡觉轻的人I'm alightsleeper - theslightestnoisewakesme.我睡觉很轻——最轻微的声响也会吵醒我。 You won'twakehim - he's such aheavysleeper.你不会吵醒他——他睡觉很沉。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal physiology: sleep & sleeping - be in the land of nodidiom
- beauty
- bed
- bunk
- bunk down
- bye-byes
- count
- dead
- delayed sleep phase pattern
- drift off
- drop
- power nap
- sleep
- slumber
- snooze
- somnolence
- soporifically
- spark out
- sparko
- take to your bedidiom
See more results » sleepernoun(ON TRAIN)acarriagein atrainwithbedsforpassengerstosleepin, or one of thebedsin thiscarriage, or thetypeoftrainthat has thesecarriages: (列车的)卧铺车厢,卧铺;卧铺列车I'mtravellingovernightso I'vereserveda sleeper.我要坐一整晚的车,因此我订了一个卧铺。 The 11.45 to Venice is a sleeper.11点45分开往格威尼斯的车是一列卧铺车。 Michael Nosek/EyeEm/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRailways: trains & parts of trains - baggage car
- bogie
- boiler
- boxcar
- bullet train
- caboose
- carriage
- choo-choo
- coach
- diesel
- emergency cord
- footplate
- freight car
- guard's van
- maglev train
- puffer train
- rolling stock
- shunter
- sleeping car
- truck
See more results » sleepernoun(BLOCK)[C]UK(USrailroad tie)one of theheavyhorizontalblocksthatsupportsarailwaytrack 枕木 pbombaert/Moment/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRailways & railway lines - Amtrak
- artery
- branch line
- buffer
- electrify
- funicular
- junction
- light rail
- light railway
- metro
- monorail
- railroad
- railroad tie
- RR
- siding
- signal
- signal box
- switch
- switchback
- track
See more results » sleepernoun(RING)[C]UKasmallgoldorsilverringthat iswornin apiercedear(= one that has aholein it)tostoptheholefromclosingwhile otherearringsare not beingworn (为防止耳洞长死而戴的)小耳环 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJewelry - ankle bracelet
- bangle
- bauble
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- butterfly
- cameo
- circlet
- clip-on
- cuff
- drip
- earring
- finery
- jewelled
- jewellery
- jewellery box
- pendant
- rhinestone
- signet ring
- sparkler
- treasure
See more results » sleepernoun(SUDDEN ACTIVITY)[C]apersonor thing that issuddenlyandsurprisinglysuccessfulafter alongperiodof notachievinganything (长期蛰伏后)一鸣惊人的人;爆冷的人(或物) [C]aspywho onlybecomesactivealongtimeafter being put inplaceby anorganizationorcountry 潜伏特工 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPotential - accident
- an accident waiting to happenidiom
- auspicious
- auspiciously
- be an actor, cook, etc. in the makingidiom
- commanding
- embryo
- embryonic
- fertile
- latent
- making
- not be beyond the wit of man/someoneidiom
- potential
- potentiality
- propitiously
- prospect
- prospective
- realizable
- retrievable
- room
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: International relations: spying and espionage sleepernoun(CLOTHING)[C]US(UKsleepsuit)apieceofclothingfor ababythatcoversthewholebody,wornespeciallyatnight 婴儿全身睡衣 angiii/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBabies' & children's clothing - Babygro
- bib
- bootee
- diaper
- feeder
- layette
- nappy
- onesie
- playsuit
- rompers
- sailor suit
- sleepsuit
- snowsuit
(Definition ofsleeperfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)sleeper| American DictionaryHe is a verylightsleeper(= hewakeseasily). A sleeper is also apersonor thing that isunexpectedlysuccessful: Wealmostgave up on thislineofmerchandise, but it's arealsleeper – itkeepsselling. (Definition ofsleeperfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)sleeper| Business Englishaproduct,film,book, etc. thatbecomesasuddensuccess, after aperiodof not beingsuccessfulat all: Themoviecostonly $400,000 to make, and thenblewup into a $39 million sleeper. Herbookhas been thebigsleeperhitof theliteraryscene. (Definition ofsleeperfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofsleepersleeper In all cases, non-depressed poor sleepers have shown significantly elevated levels of anxiety and neuroticism.From theCambridge English Corpus Nevertheless, the findings provide no support for asleepereffect associated with institutional deprivation.From theCambridge English Corpus The dream sequence uses double exposures and alterations of the film speed, while the objects in the sleeper's bedroom are animated using stop motion.From theCambridge English Corpus Nightmares are highly unpleasant dreams which, by definition, awaken thesleeper.From theCambridge English Corpus Few statutory services reach out to older rough sleepers, and even when aware of a need, they are sometimes unable to respond.From theCambridge English Corpus For light sleepers, such differences did not obtain.From theCambridge English Corpus Thanks also go to the sleepers in the huts for their participation in the present study.From theCambridge English Corpus This includes the police, who sometimes have not been able to use their powers because of a lack of options to move rough sleepers onto.From theCambridge English Corpus It is assumed that the deeper the sleep, the more restorative it is and the harder it is to awaken thesleeper.From theCambridge English Corpus The first issue to consider is the appropriateness - from a social justice perspective - of attempting to coerce rough sleepers into hostels.From theCambridge English Corpus Studies comparing the personality profiles of good and poor sleepers have found consistent differences in young,64 middle-aged65 and elderly66 subjects.From theCambridge English Corpus Like a dais, they displayed their incumbents when sleeping, their emptiness at other times awaiting the absentsleeper.From theCambridge English Corpus To agree to such appeal, however, it was the judge who would have had to have been asleeper.From theCambridge English Corpus Now this is a roughsleeperwho doesn't have a watch, whose head's absolutely pickled with alcohol, so he does not remember times for appointments.From theCambridge English Corpus One older, male roughsleeperremarked: seen violence and trouble in hostels, but not so much on the streets, you can pick your friends on the street.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/sleeper## |