sleep cycle
uk/ˈsliːp ˌsaɪ.kəl/us/ˈsliːp ˌsaɪ.kəl/aperiodofsleepconsisting of five differentparts, each of which has differentbrainactivity:
睡眠周期Daytimenapscan be verydisruptivetoyoursleepcycle.白天的小睡会对你的睡眠周期造成很大的干扰。
- Pilotsresettheirsleepcyclesbydrinkingcoffeeandwatchingvideos.
- Melatonin, ahormonesecretedby thebrain, iscloselyassociatedwith the body'ssleepcycle.
- Thebraingetstimetorestduring thedeepestpartofoursleepcycle,knownas non-REM (rapideyemovement)sleep.
Animal physiology: sleep & sleeping
- be in the land of nodidiom
- beauty
- bed
- bunk
- bunk down
- bye-byes
- count
- dead
- delayed sleep phase pattern
- drift off
- drop
- flake
- power nap
- sleep
- slumber
- soporifically
- spark out
- sparko
- take to your bedidiom
- tucksomeonein