apersonwho islegallyownedby someoneelseand has toworkfor thatperson:
奴隶Blackslaves used toworkon thecottonplantationsof thesouthernUnitedStates.黑奴以前通常在美国南部的棉花种植园干活。
I'mtiredof beingtreatedlike aslave!我讨厌被当作奴隶来对待!
- agalleyslave
- a slave and hismaster
- Slaves weretreatedwithsickeningcruelty.
- The slaves werekeptinbondageuntiltheirdeath.
- Getyourowndrink- I'm notyourslave!
People who serve other people
- anti-slavery
- below/above stairsidiom
- boot boy
- butler
- clerk
- dogsbody
- gofer
- housemaid
- labourer
- lackey
- lapdog
- maid
- puppet
- retainer
- servant
- skivvy
- slave trade
- slavery
- sock puppet
- valet
be a slave tosomething
verb[Iusually+ adv/prep]
informaluk/sleɪv/us/sleɪv/toworkvery hard at something:
拼命工作,苦干We slavedawayallweekatthereport.我们整整一周都在忙那份报告。
humorousI've been slavingover ahotstove(=cooking)allmorning.我一上午都在炉子边忙个不停。
See also
Work, working and the workplace
- act assomething
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom
- assignment
- bandh
- be at workidiom
- grind
- hoop
- hot-desking
- hotelling
- housekeeping
- in the line of dutyidiom
- induction
- industry
- moonlight
- skivvy
- slog
- slouch
- spadework
- subtask
- sweat