(UKusuallyspecialised)uk/ˈspeʃ.əl.aɪzd/us/ˈspeʃ.ə.laɪzd/specializedadjective(OF WORK, KNOWLEDGE, ETC.)
workingin andknowinga lot about oneparticularsubject,skill,service, etc. :
Herjobis very specialized.
Thehospitalisunabletoprovidethehighlyspecializedcareneededby verysickbabies.医院无法为重症婴儿提供非常专业化的护理。
used in oneparticularsubject, usually bypeoplewhoknowa lot about thesubject:
"Phlegm" is a specializedtermformucusthat isrestrictedto therespiratorytract.
- In a veryadvancedeconomy(US, Germany, Japan), mostworkersare very specialized.
- Theworkwe are doing now is much more specialized.
- Endocrinology is a very specializedfield.
- Some of thelanguagein thereportis so specialized that theordinaryreaderwillstruggletounderstandit.
Range and limits
- all the way toidiom
- ambit
- anywhere
- band
- bound
- condition
- gamut
- glass ceiling
- limit
- limited
- meta
- proviso
- realm
- restricted
- scope
- spectrum
- spread
- stretch
- string
- strings attachedidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistic terms & linguistic style
specializedadjective(IN BIOLOGY)
Weseeusingexternalorgans(eyes) specializedforthetaskofdetectingphotons.
Thehoneyeateris anAustralasianbirdspecializedtoeatnectar.
- Insectspeciescan behighlyspecialized -certainliceliveonly onsheep,othersonly ongoats.
- Somebirdsthatpollinateplantsanddispersefruitseedsare so specialized thattheirlosswilljeopardizetheplantstheyserve.
- Platelets are specializedcellsthatparticipateinbloodclotformation.
- Inbotany, aleafis an above-groundplantorganspecialized forphotosynthesis.
- anaphase
- anti-platelet
- assort
- biotech
- bipolar
- erythrocyte
- germ cell
- haemoglobin
- histography
- homologous chromosomes
- infiltration
- intercellular
- intermitotic
- meiosis
- mitosis
- prophase
- protoplasmic
- ribosomal
- ribosome
- sensory neuron
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal & plant biology - general words