slow burn
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌsləʊ ˈbɜːn/us/ˌsloʊ ˈbɝːn/slow burnnoun[C usually singular](ACTIVITY)
aperiodof not muchactivity:
缓慢发展期Manyworkershavebenefitedfrom the newprogramme, whichallowscareersto be putonaslowburnformonthsoryearsand thenreactivated.这项新计划允许职业生涯有几个月或几年的缓慢积累期,然后再重新启动,很多员工已经从中受益了。
Slow and moving slowly
- (as) slow as molassesidiom
- at a snail's paceidiom
- by and byidiom
- by degreesidiom
- clawyourway(somewhere)idiom
- drift
- float
- inch by inchidiom
- infiltrate
- infiltration
- jog
- labour
- lag
- laggard
- sluggishness
- snail
- steadily
- steadiness
- steady
- struggle
slow burnnoun[C usually singular](ANGER)
aslow,controlledshow ofanger:
怒气的逐渐发作Whenangered, Ellen was given tospontaneousoutbursts, while herpartnerTerry woulddoaslowburn.当被激怒的时候,埃伦会立刻火冒三丈,而她的搭档特里则是怒火慢慢积聚,最终发作。
Anger and displeasure
- acrimony
- anger
- animus
- annoyance
- bad feeling
- flap
- fuss
- get the humpidiom
- gorge
- grit
- grityourteethidiom
- grudge
- hard feelingsidiom
- irritation
- rancour
- red mist
- reprehension
- resentfulness
- resentment
- road rage