literaryuk/ˈsloʊθ.fəl.i/us/ˈslɔːθ.fəl.i/in alazyway:
Shespentmost of theholidayslounging slothfully about thelivingroom.
"Researching"soundsbetterthansittingslothfullystaringat ascreenforhoursat atime.
- Thestorysatirizestheattitudesandbehaviourof the slothfullywealthyupperclasses.
- Hespendsmost of histimeslothfullylyingabout doing nothing.
- Thechickensin theyardsatslothfully on theground.
- When he came into theroom, he wasmovingevenmore slothfully thanusual.
Laziness and lazy people
- bludger
- bone idleidiom
- bum around
- clock-watcher
- indolent
- indolently
- layabout
- lazily
- laziness
- lie
- phone in
- shiftless
- shirker
- skiver
- slacker
- time-serving
- unambitious
- vegetable
- work-shy