money launderer
uk/ˈmʌn.i ˌlɔːn.dər.ər/us/ˈmʌn.i ˌlɑːn.dɚ.ɚ/apersonororganizationthatmovesmoneythat has beenobtainedillegallythroughbanksand otherbusinessesto make itseemto have beenobtainedlegally:
Money launderers oftendisguisethesourceoftheirmoneyby usingcashtobuyexpensivethings.
Twobanksare onitslistofsuspectedmoneylaunderers.
- Asquicklyaspossible,moneylaunderers thenwithdrawthemoney.
- Theassetsofmoneylaunderers will befrozen.
- Themoneylaundererwantstodisguisetheoriginsof thefundsand todistancehimself from theoriginalcriminalact.
Miscellaneous criminals
- arsonist
- artifice burglar
- bigamist
- bioterrorist
- black hat
- distraction burglar
- distraction thief
- drug dealer
- embezzler
- expropriator
- launderer
- looter
- lowlife
- lynch mob
- man of straw
- shicer
- shoplifter
- small-timer
- smuggler
- snatcher