释义 |
1 ?交换跳越 ... 减量跳越 decrement jump 交换跳越 exchange jump 骑着马跳越 lark ...
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If that doesn't strike you as extreme, think of it this way: if your employer offered you 15 weeks of vacation each year in exchange for giving up TV, wouldn't you jump at the opportunity? 如果这也震撼不了你的话,你再这样想一下:如果你的老板每年给你15周的假期,条件是要你放弃看电视,你难道不会因此欢欣雀跃吗? - 2
Now, some economists have suggested that allowing more foreigners into the U.S. — say, an immigrant who buys a house in exchange for a green card — would actually help jump-start the economy. 如今,一些经济学家建议,允许更多外国人进入美国(比如,用买房来换取绿卡)实际上将有助于启动美国经济。 - 3
Now, some economists have suggested that allowing more foreigners into the U. S. -- say, an immigrant who buys a house in exchange for a green card -- would actually help jump-start the economy. 如今,一些经济学家建议,允许更多外国人进入美国(比如,用买房来换取绿卡)实际上将有助于启动美国经济。