If one of the updates fails, you can re-throw the exception to the UI tier and exit the method without attempting to update EIS2.
Make sure both exception types are stopped, and then select the Call User Exit check box for both event and periodic exceptions, as shown in Figure 17.
确保两种异常类型都被停止,然后为事件和定期异常选择Call User Exit复选框,如图17所示。
The Oracle JDBC driver might throw the ORA-24756: transaction does not exitexception; rac-node2, the surviving rac node, might not even be aware of the transaction branch TxB1.
Oracle JDBC驱动程序可能会抛出OR a - 24756:事务不存在这一异常;仍然运行的rac节点rac - node2甚至还不知道事务分支TxB1。