我猜只有弗朗兹·克莱恩(Franz Kline)是土生土长的美国人。他们之前获得的美术教育对我来说是外来的。
? 克莱因(Franz Kline):粗犷的黑白抽象风格, 与中国书法颇相类似。 ? 马瑟韦尔(Robert Motherwell):组织者和理论专 家,最“法国化”的抽象表现主义...
“有个人叫弗朗茨·克莱恩(Franz Kline),”科林·戈德伯格笑着说。很明显,这是一个他反复讲过的故事开头,但他依然喜欢跟别人讲。
...,何慕文以科班出身的书法家王冬龄为例,认为其一定受到过西方抽象表现主义的影响,但是“王冬龄拥有弗朗兹·克兰(Franz Kline)和罗伯特·马瑟韦尔(Robert Motherwell)这些抽象派大师没有的书法技艺”。
The top floor is home to such moderns as Georgia O'Keeffe, Alexander Calder and Franz Kline.
ECONOMIST: Art of the Americas
While prices have risen exponentially, several pieces by top artists including Franz Kline and Jeff Koons failed to find buyers.
FORBES: 'New Era' For Art Markets As Collectors Drop Half A Billion At Christie's Contemporary Sale
Art-historical references to such abstract painters as Franz Kline, Kasimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothko pass through the stage pictures.
WSJ: A Puppeteer's 'Rite' of Passage | Basil Twist | By Robert Greskovic