释义 |
1 ?酸性氧化物 ... 光学破度optical basicity 酸性氧化物acid oxide 碱性氧化物basicoxide ... 2 ?成酸元素 ... oxide of iron 铁丹; 氧化铁 acid oxide 成酸元素; 酸性氧化物 iron oxide black iron black 铁黑 ...
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Because there are water exists, ammonia and oil acid oxide role will generate precipitation. 因为有水分存在时,氨与油的酸性氧化物作用会生成沉淀。 - 2
Sugar consumption increases serum levels of uric acid, which may lower the levels of nitric oxide, a chemical that is needed to dilate the blood vessels to keep the pressure low, the researchers said. 研究者说,糖的摄入提高血尿酸水平,降低氮氧化物水平,这个化合物可扩张血管降低血压。 - 3
Okay. And let's cover these also up, because this sulfuric acid ugh! So your lead battery in your car works with the same idea, except this is lead oxide and this is lead. 好吧,把这些盖起来,因为这硫酸,你车里的铅蓄电池,也是一样的工作原理,除了这是一氧化铅而这是铅。